“I’ll put the app on your phone for you.”
Mackenzie turned her phone over instantly. I swiped away her lock screen. She didn’t have a passcode on it, which seemed dangerously trusting. I watched her window shop in the Atrium as I considered what to do. She played with the ends of her hair, twirling a lock around her finger in a gesture I was beginning to recognize as self-soothing. I didn’t let her get too far away from me. Every time I did, it was like a chill took me. I chewed on my lip and logged her into the cruise ship app with my information. I had already bought the Wi-Fi package and could have up to three devices.
A message popped up on her phone. I couldn’t not read it.
“What do you mean you have a roommate? I’m calling customer service. And don’t hate me for the matchmaking thing. You need an alpha in your life, babe. Get your rebound fling under your belt.”
I frowned at the phone, my chest tightening.Ineeded an alpha in my life. That was the whole point of this cruise. It might be my last shot at finding a pack.
I jumped when Mackenzie slid her arm around my waist and leaned over to peer at her phone, her warmth seeping through me.
“Ugh. Jillian. We don’t need alphas, do we? We’re strong, independent omegas.” She threaded her arm through mine again and pulled me forward. She felt like sunshine.
I kept my mouth closed and didn’t answer her question. Not that she really expected an answer, let alone be dragged under by my internal thoughts. No one wanted to hear about the hardships of male omegas, especially female omegas. I was tired of being strong. I was tired of being independent.
“Did you really not know this was a matchmaking cruise?” I pulled her aside to let a pack pass by. They all had a similar look. It was more their clothes than physical appearance, like they shared a closet. Their scents were a mix of wood smoke and something fruity. I stifled a shiver as it washed over me. Mackenzie did the same. We caught each other’s eye and laughed.
“Here.” Mackenzie dug through her purse and pulled out what looked like a fancy lip balm tube. “Try this.”
I took it cautiously, turning it over in my hands. The label was handwritten. “Scent Override #7.”
“I know. It’s a terrible name. I’m just not that creative. I’ve been playing with the formula,” she said, suddenly shy. “It’s made with neroli oil and coffee bean extract. Kind of neutralizes overwhelming scents, especially in public.”
“Like a pheromone blocker?” I’d tried those before. They left me with horrible headaches.
“No, those are different. This just…” She gestured vaguely. “It’s more like giving your nose something else to focus on. The neroli especially helps with alpha scents.”
I uncapped it, and swiped some on my wrist, dubious but willing to try. The wood smoke from the passing pack seemed to fade into the background, replaced by something slightly floral and comforting that reminded me of Mackenzie.
“This is amazing,” I said, meaning it. “How did you figure this out?”
“Too much time spent on the internet,” she said around a laugh. She took the tube from me and swiped it once under my chin. She dotted it behind her ears and dropped it back into her bag.
“Maybe call it Rest #7. Because it’s like taking a rest?” I suggested.
“Jillian thought along the same lines too, but she suggested ‘De-Moan’ because it de-pheromones you.”
“That’s terrible. No omega wants to de-moan.” I said around a laugh.
“Well, she was right about one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Being stuck on a cruise ship with packs galore will make it really easy to have that rebound fling.”
I laughed a little harder than I intended, the sound carrying a hint of hysteria. “Bad breakup, huh?”
“Don’t even get me started.” She waved a hand like it was inconsequential before she changed the topic. “What now? We did the muster or safety drill, or whatever. Dinner isn’t for hours. Do you think they delivered our bags?”
I swiped to the events tab on her phone and handed it back.
“There’s a Sail Away party on the Sunshine Deck. The official welcome dinner and orientation is tomorrow. The first night is supposed to be just casual, I suppose.”
She twirled her hair as she flipped through all the different events that were scheduled.
“I didn’t know there would be so much to do. How do you choose?”