Page 15 of Why Cruise

“Right, you’re in charge of naming things. I’m in charge of…” I lost my train of thought as I turned left down a hall and Theo pulled me right.

“You’re not in charge of direction, that’s for sure.”

“Right. You get names and directions while I figure out what I’m good at.”



It was only when Mackenzie slipped her hand into mine that I could step all the way into the Sapphire Lounge. My heart wasn’t just racing anymore—it was trying to escape.

“I didn’t realize there would be so many of us,” Mackenzie whispered, pressing closer to my side.

I nodded and licked my lips. The air was thick with sweetness. Two hundred omegas at least, maybe more, packed wall-to-wall. I’d never seen so many in one place.

A beta crew member thrust welcome bags at us. I hooked both the heavy canvas totes over my arm. They were expensive looking, with the Epsilon of the Seas logo embroidered on them. The tag line “Bringing the world to your door” sparkled in gold and silver thread. A baggage tag with Nesting Needs’ logo on it dangled from the handle. They were a sponsor.

“… and while Bond Voyage is indeed a matchmaking cruise,” a crisp voice carried from the front of the room, “You are under no obligation to participate in any activities that make you uncomfortable.”

The Omega Liaison was a tall beta woman with steel-gray hair and an air of effortless authority. Her words would have been more reassuring if we weren’t currently trying to find seats in a room full of omegas who were already giving us the side-eye.

“Do you have that scent balm?” I tugged Mackenzie out of the way of a server with a tray of bottled waters. She dug in her bag as I guided her to the far side of the room, where the only open seats were. I should have insisted we arrive earlier. I’d wanted to grab seats near the back.

I shifted the bags to my other hand and nudged Mackenzie into a row that had three empty seats right in the middle.

“Excuse us, sorry, just trying to…”

“They should really have separate orientations,” an omega in designer resort wear stage-whispered to her friend. “Male omegas have completely different needs. This cruise isn’t about them.”

“I heard they only let them on to fill a quota,” another omega chimed in from behind us. “Something about equal opportunities.”

“Equal opportunity?” Someone snorted. “More like desperate. I mean, what alpha actually wants a male omega in their pack?”

“Shh, Rose! You can’t say that anymore. It’s not politically correct.”

My cheeks went from warm to flaming. Mackenzie whipped her head around, her mouth opened in a shocked “O.” I rolled my eyes and nodded her forward, determined to ignore that comment. It wasn’t too hard. I was used to snide takes on my gender and designation. We took our seats, and I handed Mackenzie her bag, careful to keep mine between my feet to not take up too much room.

“And now,” the Liaison’s voice cut through the chatter, “I’m thrilled to introduce someone very special. Please welcome our host for Bond Voyage. Aria!”

The room erupted in excited whispers. I busied myself with the welcome bag, pulling out the program and various items: travel-sized scent blockers, unscented sunscreen, a bright pink lanyard for your ship ID. I barely contained another eye roll. Everything was “omega pink”, like we couldn’t handle any other color in the spectrum.

“Is that really what paragons look like?” Mackenzie whispered, peeking up from her own bag exploration. “I thought they’d be more…” She waved her hand vaguely.

I glanced at the stage. Aria was stunning, but not in the over-the-top way I’d expected. There was something almost otherworldly about her presence, like looking at a photo filter come to life.

“Have you ever been to Sanctum? The paragon bar at Paramour?” I asked Mackenzie as she tested one lotion on the back of her hand. Her nose wrinkled in disapproval.

“Daryl tried to get us in, but…”

“Please be aware of the programming change for aura readings with our auracle…” the Liaison’s voice droned on.

“Oh, we could do that,” Mackenzie said, leaning over and tapping the entry in the programming guide.

“I don’t know. Are auracles even real?” I scanned the workshop description skeptically.“These intimate aura consultations offer unique insights into pack compatibility and potential matches.”.

“Shhh!” Rose, the designer resort wear omega, shot us a glare. “Some of us are actually trying to listen.”

“This is so exciting,” her friend chimed in. “My cousin had an aura reading, and it literally changed her life.”