I sucked in a breath. The tattoo, the ring… this? I’d push all those complicated thoughts away for now.
“Let’s try together.” Ren motioned Mackenzie closer.
“Touch him,” I said softly, “and then breathe into your own scent. It’s an act of will. Picture your scent like it’s a physical thing. Demand that it wraps him because he’s yours.”
Mackenzie practically tackled Theo. I grabbed Ren’s arm to keep them upright. She wrapped her arms around Theo’s chest and squeezed.
“You’re mine. You’re mine. You’re mine.” Her whisper was barely audible.
Ren drew his lips along Theo’s neck. He sighed and visibly relaxed. The room filled with orange and pepper, making Theo’s coconut richer.
Mackenzie gasped and sat up. “Did I do it?”
Theo’s eyes fluttered open. He was breathing hard. “You smell… so fucking good.” She held his face and kissed him. He moaned. Now that was the sound of an omega in heat.
I reached into the tangle of bodies, and put my lips next to where Ren’s had been. His scent tickled my nose. I had a sudden pang of desperate need of my own. I wanted their scents on my body, so that we would all mingle together and smell like… pack.
“You’re mine, Theo.” I whispered, leaving my scent mark right behind his ear.
“Okay, wow, now I need sex. Right now.” Theo’s nostrils flared, making him shiver.
“That is an excellent idea, little omega.”
Mackenzie plastered his face with kisses. Ren ran his hands all over him. His touch had been comforting and soothing but now it was more demanding.
I moved Mackenzie to the side. She barely noticed, lost with Theo’s tongue in her mouth. I bent and took the tip of Theo’s cock in my mouth and moaned. He was covered in both their slick. But it didn’t last long. Theo jerked so violently, he practically toppled us all off the bed.
“Fuck. Now. Oh my god.”
Apparently, that was all it took to break the dam, like everything that heat was dumped into Theo with one lick from my tongue. I’d let my ego inflate over that later.
Ren chuckled and shoved Mackenzie onto her back. Theo barely caught himself before his face crashed into her chest.
“Well, that’s convenient.” Ren had a note of surprise in his voice. “I think I will fuck you while you use our omega as a pillow.”
Theo laughed and buried his head between her breasts. Ren kicked Theo’s legs wider, making room for himself. Theo’s hair was just long enough that I could thread my fingers in and pull his head up for a kiss.
“I cannot fully express to you how hard my dick is at just the thought of you taking Ren’s knot.”
He groaned as Ren pushed into him.
“You can do better than that, Omega.”
He struggled to get his elbows under him for leverage, but finally managed.
“Take all of him, Theo.”
Ren started slowly, knowing that need had to build.
“I want you screaming his name when you take his knot.”
He dropped his head again, nipping Mackenzie’s breast, like this was already too much for him.
“Oh, do you need Mackenzie’s help to take his knot?”
Theo snapped his head up and both of their eyes went wide. Mackenzie growled and wiggled out from under Theo and moved to his side to better stroke his dick.
“Fuck. No, no, no. Fuck.” Theo clawed at the sheets.