“You’re going to be fine.”
I touched the ceiling again.
“Alpha.” He shook me. “Reach inside yourself. Like you’re going to pull on your aura. Do it,” he said with challenge in his voice.
I closed my eyes and found that place inside me where all the rage and possessiveness usually lived. I tapped into that and gasped. I could feel Ren and Mackenzie, both separate and a part of me. I blinked rapidly, staring up at the ceiling.
“You will never be alone in the dark again,” he said, just for me to hear. He covered my lips with his and whispered “Alpha” again.
Intellectually, I knew pack bonds weren’t a cure for panic disorders, but I’d lean into the white lie for now. I nodded and traced a finger down my bite mark on his neck. A desperate groan came from Theo, laced with pain, not pleasure.
“Something’s wrong,” Mackenzie said, her voice going high-pitched. “Heat hurts and then you come and then it’s all better. That’s how it’s supposed to work.”
A stab of distress that was not mine erupted in my chest. Ren rubbed it, like he could feel it, too.
“I love you. We’re fine.”
That wasn’t a lie. That I could lean into. Ren nodded, like he knew I’d be okay, at least for now.
Ren chuckled and crawled onto the bed. “Sunshine, there’s a little bit more to it than that.”
Ren tugged at Theo’s pants and helped him kick them all the way off. Then he yanked Theo towards him and turned him over so that he was on all fours. He slid an arm around Theo’s waist.
Theo groaned and curled into a ball, slipping out of Ren’s arms. I looked at Ren. I felt his concern. He shook his head slightly with a brief glance at Mackenzie. There was something wrong and he didn’t want to talk about it in front of Mackenzie.
I spread out on the bed next to Theo, our noses practically touching.
“Theo.” Sweat was dripping down his face.
I had been through heat only once with an omega during New Year’s. She had it all planned. We had hung out for a day or two, me and the other alpha she was seeing, cuddling through heat spikes until the intense part happened. This was beyond the ideal setup for heat.
I glanced at Mackenzie. Her bra was off one shoulder and she was chewing on a nail. I had never seen her do that before. This was stressing her out and that was not helping him. Theo stretched his arm across the bed, seeking her out. She took his hand but seemed afraid to do anything else.
This wasn’t a panic attack, but it was traumatic. It had probably started hours ago and no one had noticed. Not even Theo. He should have been safe and cozy in a nest, cared for, buthe had gone out, by himself, to help Ren. Then he’d had to be strong, be in a cage, not let his instincts and biology take him.
What was important to omegas on a base level? What was important to Theo? Scent? Touch?
Belonging. Being someone’s omega. Pack.
That was what Theo needed.
“Let’s try something different here.”
I slid my arm under his shoulders. He flinched and groaned, but didn’t protest. I nodded at Ren to come closer and settled Theo against his chest. They were both kneeling, and Ren slid a knee between his legs so he wouldn’t have to support his own weight. He gently caressed Theo’s belly, knowing that was where the pain lived.
I held a hand out for Mackenzie and drew her close. I stroked her lower back, and her tension melted slightly.
“Have you ever scent marked someone?” I asked her.
“No.” Her eyes were wide.
“Scent marking tells the world who you belong to.” I pulled her hair back so it would flow down her back. “Theo belongs to us. We want the world to know.”
“He’s mine. How do I do it?”
I had only done it a few times when I was young and dumb. I looked at Ren, suddenly unsure about the idea.
He shook his head. “I’ve never done it. Before these two, you’re the only person I had ever wanted to claim.”