Page 126 of Why Cruise

“I know. I have an idea. There’s taxis down the street. Bring one up to the door.”

Ren kissed me quick and took off at a full run.

I stepped into the cell. Theo was curled into a ball, groaning. I reached for him, but Mackenzie stopped me.

“Don’t. Not yet. Just give him a second. If you touch him, everything will start, and well, not in public.” Fear darkened her eyes.

Heat usually started with cramping, but not like this. I flattened myself to the floor and put my face level with Theo’s. He cringed, the pain was coming in waves, and then his features softened.

“Theo, can you open your eyes?” I asked.

He looked at me, his eyes glassy and watery.

“It hurts,” he said.

“I know. Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you? We have to move.”

He nodded. “I can walk,” he blew out a breath and struggled to sit up.

Mackenzie hooked her arm under Theo to pull him up. If I couldn’t touch Theo, I could at least help Mackenzie. Awkwardly, they both got to their feet. Mackenzie struggledunder his weight, but we all managed to make it to the street just as a taxi screeched up and Ren waved us over.

I had the taxi take us back to the pier. It was only a few moments in the car, but they were fucking agonizing. Mackenzie sat on Theo’s lap, facing him. She stroked his hair and kissed him all over as wave after wave of pain hit him. I looked nervously at Ren. I’d only been through this once with one omega. This did not seem normal. He gave me a “we’ll talk about it later” look.

The brakes squeaked as the taxi stopped where instructed. I rolled down the window and flashed my Amex Black Card at the tour operator we’d encountered earlier.

“So you did decide to escape and forgo the police,” he chuckled.

“I have a situation. My omega is in heat. We need to…”

His eyes darkened as he peered into the car and then looked around the plaza.

He opened the passenger door and was met with a growl from Ren.

“Jean-Paul,” he said, introducing himself. “I’m a beta. My sister is an omega. You need to get off this island.”

Ren shifted Theo over to allow Jean-Paul to get in. He gave short instructions to the driver, and we were moving before he even closed the door.

“I’m provisioned only for a day cruise. I suggest we anchor in the harbor and collect your luggage somehow, and then move on to St. Ann’s Inlet. It’s a much more hospitable environment.”

I pulled out Mackenzie’s phone and a card from my wallet and dialed. “Todd, it’s Twill. We have a situation. I need you to collect our passports and pack our luggage. Yes, myself, Mackenzie Perez, Theo Evergreen, and Ren Delano. I’m going to connect you to the captain of a yacht I just rented to coordinate.” I turned and handed the card to Jean-Paul, who nodded.

We pulled alongside the yacht. Jean-Paul was out shouting instructions before we even came to a complete stop. Luxurious for sure, but I had been on bigger boats. I never understood what it was with the 1% owning boats bigger than houses.

Ren slid out of the car and held his hands out for the omegas.

“We’re back at the cruise ship?” Theo asked, his voice gruff.

“No, honey, Justice rented us a yacht.” Ren said.

He and Mackenzie traded looks and then ducked their heads to peer out the window.

“Are you okay?” Ren asked Theo.

He threw his head back against the headrest and laughed. “I’m about thirty seconds away from fucking the taxi.”

“Well okay then,” Ren said. “Let’s get you someplace warm and comfortable.”

I followed the omegas onto the ship. They crashed about like they were drunk, but I was impressed that Mackenzie could handle Theo all on her own. Ren and I followed them into the first bedroom they came across. Mackenzie pulled Theo up on the bed and was stripping off her shirt.