Ren now saw me too and his face went white.
“Theo, get the fuck out of here.”
I kept walking.
“Leave. Now. Go.”
Gaston motioned to the pocket of his windbreaker. I could just make out the butt of a gun. He jabbed it into Ren’s side.
“Well,” Gaston drawled. “This is better than expected. Little omega, why don’t you walk across the plaza and go see my friend over there in the black hat?”
“Don’t fucking do this, Theo. I’m not worth it.”
Time. I just needed time. Justice would get my text. I just needed time. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and slowly started across the plaza.
“Do it, Gaston, fucking bite me.”
“Let’s wait until the little omega is in good hands.”
Sweat dripped into my eyes, stinging. I rubbed at it. Totally didn’t help. Two officers approached me. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I just needed time.
My vision dimmed as a cramp stabbed through my stomach. Panic drenched me in a cold sweat.
Not now.
I stumbled, fell to one knee. An officer grabbed my upper arm and hauled me to my feet.
And I threw the second punch in my entire life.
People scattered as we ran down the gangway. Maybe Justice used his aura? I was just focused on keeping up.
He stopped at the end of the peer to check my phone. He was barely out of breath. I was about to die.
There were a few vendor booths right at the end of the pier. Little more than a card table and an umbrella, one offering independent excursions for cruisers.
“Police station.” Justice said, looking at the PackFinder app on my phone and comparing it to the surroundings.
“Oh, my friend, that is the last place you want.” A man, a beta, in a black polo shirt and shorts, laughed.
“Good to know,” Justice said absently.
“Spend the day on my yacht instead.” He gestured behind him to a sign for luxury yacht day cruises and a picture of his boat. “Or maybe you’d like to escape the island?”
“I think if we take,” he shaded the phone with his hand, “Rue de la Marine…”
“No,” the man interrupted again. “Take this alleyway.” He gestured behind him. “The locals avoid Rue de la Marine. Too much foot traffic.”
Justice reached for my hand again, taking the street the guide suggested.
“I hope you have deep pockets,” he called after us.
“He should have waited.” Justice mumbled. He had had to restart my phone, and we’d missed Theo’s calls and texts.
“Everything is going to be fine.” I said, more for myself than for him.