Page 116 of Why Cruise

“This asshole’s sins are yours now, pack lead. And you’re not actually a boy scout now, are you? We know what you did. Both of you, all of you.” Brock turned to glare at Mackenzie. Justice punched him again. That one was just for fun.

“No no. You don’t even get to look at her. The second you get off this boat, your life, as you know it, is over. Let me preview this for you. I will own you. I will buy every company your flea-bitten pack works for and run it into the ground. I will do that over and over and over. I will buy the bank that holds your mortgage. Same with your car note. You will be paying me for your existence. If I get bored with that, which I won’t, I will move on to your friends, your family and your birth pack and makeit crystal fucking clear that you are the cause of their suffering. And then the real fun will begin. I will take Daryl…”

“Justice, baby,” Aria’s voice might have been the only thing that could cut through this verbal assault. “We talked about this. No throwing alphas overboard.” She tsked at him.

Justice took Brock to his knees before letting go, dumping him at Aria’s feet.

“That little cunt of an omega…” Brock’s voice was rough. Justice might have done some actual damage. I dropped Daryl next to his pack lead.

“He assaulted my omega.” Justice cut in.

“Oooo, baby, is your omega alright?”

“You’re going to believe this piece of shit over me?”

Aria and Justice looked at each other and then cracked up, their laughter overpowering Daryl’s whimpers. Aria held up a finger, putting us on pause. She dipped her hand into her wrist bag and tapped on her phone. She twirled a lock of hair while she waited for the phone to connect.

“Captain! Oh!” she gasped. “That sounds like a fun way to spend the evening. Hold that thought, I’m having a little situation. Could you send security up to the Games Deck? Oh? On their way?” She giggled and then fanned herself. “Baby, stop it! Okay, toodles.”

It took 30 seconds for a half dozen thick-necked alphas in windbreakers to arrive on the scene.

“Okay, boys, this is what we’re doing.” She gestured to the heap of alphas at her feet and the rest of the pack that didn’t even have the balls to step up for their pack lead. “This mess here will be getting off my ship. Until then, they will stay in their rooms like the naughty boys they are.”

“You can’t fucking do that. I paid good money for this cruise. I want a refund!”

Justice pinched his nose at Brock’s tirade.

“Mmmm, how ‘bout no? Okay, shoo.” She flicked her hands gesturing for the trash to be taken out.

Job done, she turned and crouched next to Theo. “Ooo, baby, are you ok? No more mean alphas for you.” She made a show of helping Theo to his feet, but Theo had to do that work himself. “You need drinks and apps. Eric makes these little jalapeno poppers. And this blue cheese ice cream on top of Wagyu slices, it makes me wet just thinking about it.”

Theo shot Mackenzie a panicked look over Aria’s shoulder as the paragon led him away with an arm around his waist and her other arm rubbing his tummy. He held a hand out for her, dragging her behind Aria too.

“Well,” I dusted off my hands, “that was fun.”

Justice grabbed my neck and kissed me, his tongue demanding in my mouth, claiming it, claiming me.

“That’s what it tasted like.” He gave my neck a squeeze and let go before striding after Aria. “Drinks and apps.” He called over his shoulder.

And all I could do was stand there, dumbfounded, tracing my tingling lips with shaking fingers.




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