Mackenzie stopped right in front of me. Her face went all weird. Her fake smile faded to something beyond anger. She took off her hat and glasses and handed them to Theo. She headed straight for the staff member manning the climbing gear.
“She’s going to do it.” Daryl’s voice went high and squeaky.
“Well, if she falls and breaks a leg, she can’t run away,” Brock sniggered.
Ren shot out a hand, grabbing Theo by the shirt, and pulled him back a few staggering feet. We did not need an omega v. alpha brawl.
“This is not a good idea.” Theo said nervously.
“She can do this.” I said.
The attendant had her step into the harness and was probably giving her a standard speech about safety and instruction. He double checked the fit, pulling on the rope to make sure the carabiner was clipped in. Mackenzie nodded and looked up the wall. The attendant tapped the lowest jug and suggested initial hand and foot placements. She pulled an elastic from her wrist and secured her hair on the top of her head.
“Too bad she’s not wearing a skirt. At least we’d get a show.” Brock had his boys cracking up with that one.
“Justice, do something.” Theo practically spat at me.
“Do what, exactly?” I kept my voice low. “Be another bonehead alpha in her life who throws his aura and dick around and bullies her into decisions?”
“Ren?” Theo’s voice had a frantic edge to it.
“Oh, I’m already planning murder. Just not in front of Mackenzie.”
“There’s too many alphas on this boat. One good brawl and it will be a riot,” I added.
“I’m going to throw up.” Theo wrapped his arms around his stomach. Ren put his hand on the back of his neck.
She was struggling, going slow, but she was making progress.
“This is embarrassing. I can’t watch.” Daryl turned away. The pack drifted, but they were definitely still watching.
Mackenzie was about 10 feet off the ground now and stuck, not knowing what to do next.
Fuck it. I crossed the space and stepped up to the attendant. “I need gear.” He handed over a harness and then remembered he had procedures to follow, and tried to snatch it back. I ignored his protests as I stepped into the leg loops. The equipment was lighter than what I used to, built more for durability than performance. I motioned for the attendant to clip me in.
“Sir, this is not…”
“I’m going up that wall. I’ll free solo if I have to. Which do you think is a greater liability?” He just blinked at me and then clipped me in. I was next to her in about 10 seconds.
“Hey!” I said cheerfully. She didn’t seem surprised to see me.
“I’m going to die.”
“You are not.”
“I can’t do this.”
“You can.”
“I’m not strong enough.”
“This is about technique, not strength. Your legs are your greatest asset.”
“Not the time for pickup lines.” She said through gritted teeth.
“Put your left foot here,” I tapped a jug. “You’re going to follow the pink jugs.”
“Why does it have to be fucking pink?” she bitched, but got her foot in the right place.