Page 106 of Why Cruise

“Ew.” Ren groaned as we grouped together for another photo around the marquee for the theater. “We are not selfie-taking people.”

Justice held up the phone, studying the next clue. “‘We bring it to your door.’”

Everyone turned to Theo expectantly.

“What? I got nothing.” He held up his hands. “Gift shop maybe? Room service? What else do they deliver to your room?”

“Towel animals,” I added.

“Panties?” Theo said.

“Messages. Letters. Packages.” Ren was just listing things now. “Toothbrushes.”

“Toothbrushes?” I gasped and grabbed Theo’s arm. “The gift bag! Remember? It had a toothbrush in it.”

“You got gift bags?” Ren’s eyebrows shot up.

“Toothbrush is the answer?”

“No, the tote. With the logo?”

“Epsilon of the Seas,” Theo said, then looked at each other with wide eyes. “We bring the world to your door!”

“World is the answer. Okay, so we need a map or a globe or something,” Ren said, already scanning the room.

“There’s that huge map inlaid in the atrium floor,” Theo offered.

“There’s a globe in my stateroom,” Justice said. “It’s closer.”

We all looked at each other for a split second before breaking into a run.


“Wow. This is nice.” Theo stepped into the cabin right behind Justice. Cabin? It wasn’t a cabin, it was bigger than my apartment. My old apartment. There was a proper entry way with closets on both sides. A dining area. Cozy sofas and windows wrapping around the whole room.

“Is Todd the Butler here?”

“Todd does not live in my room. He just… hovers and appears out of nowhere.”

Ren was the last one in, letting the door close behind him with a soft click. “So that drink now?” he asked, his voice dropping to that tone. Maybe we were done with angry flirting.

“The globe is on the bar.” Justice nodded to the left, but didn’t step away from Ren.

Justice’s scent was heavy in the room, but it didn’t feel like him. There was no clutter, nothing out of place, not like our room. Maybe it was an omega thing, that need to feel like every space you were in was yours.

“What app is this?” Theo asked from the bar. He held up a phone, but all I could see from my side of the room was grainy fireworks.

“Yeah, uh, that’s not an app.” Justice shoved his hands deep in his pocket like he was afraid he’d snatch the phone right out of Theo’s hands.

“Screensaver?” Theo asked, pulling the charger out of the phone.

“No, don’t do that.” Justice took a panicked step forward. Theo practically dropped it on the bar like it had bitten him. “Sorry,” Justice exhaled. “My best friend put a virus on my phone so I couldn’t use it. She wanted me to relax.”

“I don’t think it’s working. How can we help you relax, Justice?” Ren’s voice was a purr.

Theo and I did the “caught in headlights” thing, staring at each other across the room. He knew that I knew that he knew that both our heads were now filled with dirty possibilities from just that one sentence.

“Let’s…” Justice stammered. It was adorable.