Page 88 of Shaken Knot Stirred

“Um,” I licked my lips, not wanting to alarm anyone more, “Nico, bite me.”

He blinked at me like I wasn’t speaking English.

“So, I, um, see a lot of damage. And, you know, omega auras are healing. But you might only get that filtered through Star because he’s your alpha. And I’m not sure what will happen to the scent match.”

I squeezed Lana’s fingers tighter when she gasped.

Nico rested his head back on Star’s shoulder and let out a little laugh. “Moxie, I have loved you since the day I met you. I don’t need a scent match to know you’re mine.”

He struggled to sit up and only accomplished it with Star’s help. He reached for me. I shifted into his lap, not letting go of Lana’s hand. His teeth and aura sank into me like warm honey. I focused on pushing my energy into him, watching in my mind’s eye as it trickled into all the open spaces, closing the gaps. I sighed. There might still be some damage, but that could heal over time.

Lana tried to pull away from me, but I wouldn’t let her. I laced my fingers in hers.

“I,” my throat got sticky, “I don’t know if the scent match will survive this. Beg didn’t cause much damage to your aura.” I gulped air to say this last part. “A pack was forced on you with lies. You could walk away. You can be your own person and make your own decisions.”

I eased my grip on her fingers. I didn’t want her to feel like I was holding her down. The tremble in her lips was matched in her aura. I loved her, and I always would, but as they say, her aura, her choice.

Nico reached out and rubbed a tear from her cheek with his thumb. She covered his hand with hers. He laced their fingers together and pulled her towards him, placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

“I love you, Lana.”

A sob escaped her. She swallowed hard and wiped at another tear. Star traced the back of her hand, adding his soothing touch to the mix. Lana stared down at the three of them joined together. Her aura was very pale, the white of fear mixed with the pink of hope. She looked up at Star, not bothering to catch the tears now.

“It will all be different. I promise,” Star said, making a solemn oath. “You’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted.”

She looked to Nico and then me, the pack she didn’t think she could have.

“Lana, can I make you part of my pack?” Star’s voice was rough but soft and caring.

Lana swept the hair off her shoulder for Star as she whispered “yes.” He tenderly held her, stroking her back. The bite was quick and gentle. They took a moment to stare into each other’s eyes and the bond settled in place. Star ducked his head, like he was shy, and Lana nervously tucked her hair behind her ear. That was an intimate moment without even having had a first date.

“We are a mess,” I declared, looking at my pack. “Lana’s going to have a black eye. You have chain burn around your neck. Who knew that could happen?” I nodded at Star. “And poor Nico probably has some broken ribs.”

I suddenly became aware of the world that existed outside of my pack. Fights were still going on. That raging alpha had broken free and was in the middle of a melee in the VIP section. And Beg had made it to the edge of the ring, crawling on his belly.

As I took it all in, Star wedged his phone out of his back pocket. The screen was cracked, but his fingers flew faster than a teenage girl texting.

“Okay, so first pack meeting,” I said with false cheerfulness. “I sort of, maybe, just a little bit poisoned, Beg. He probably needs a doctor, but I also don’t want to go to jail. Omegas in prison is not really a pretty thing.”

“That should be a reality TV show.” Nico snorted.

“I’d watch,” Star said, head still down in his phone.

“Anything’s better than ‘All Packed Up,’” Lana added.

“They used to force me to watch that at the Delta Lounge. Pure torture.”

“Jason Bigway, one of the alphas on that show, was here tonight,” Lana nodded toward the VIP section. “He lost a shit ton of money to Locke Nottingham.”

“Okay,” Star said with a groan as he leaned to the side to put his phone away. “Let’s get out of here.” He stood and held out a hand for Lana. She weaved on her feet slightly, but she’d be fine.

It took both Star and me to get Nico to his feet, and then I helped Lana retrieve her shoes from the debris in the ring.

Star supported Nico’s weight and herded us out of the ring. His hand was on my lower back.

“Maybe we should make this a fashion statement.” I grabbed the chain that dangled from Lana’s wrist.

“Put the Pax logo on it and sell it in the gift shop,” Lana mused, leaning heavily on my arm.