Page 87 of Shaken Knot Stirred


That was a good fucking question. Just because I could see auras didn’t mean I knew the mechanics of it all. I closed my eyes and focused on what I could feel. I was a part of the pack now. I could see a glimmer of the bond between me and Beg. It was new and weak, like his aura shot out a finger and hooked it through a belt loop. His bond with Lana was more solid but looser, like how you might hold a champagne flute. But with Nico, it was like he had a dozen sets of claws hooked into him.

“Te cupio,” I whispered to myself. Beg loved Nico. No, that wasn’t quite right. He longed for him, for what he had with Star. It wasn’t actual love. It was obsession to the point of destruction. Beg didn’t have the capacity to love anyone, not even himself. I’d feel pity for him if he wasn’t so fucking monstrous.

“You know how you push your energy out with a bark? Do that in reverse. Pull it all back in.”

Beg’s eyes settled on Nico. I could feel Nico’s utter disgust slither over Beg. We could all feel it. He sank to his knees. I wanted to say looked defeated, but that was giving him too much credit to understand the consequences of his actions.

“Tick tock, Beg. You literally don’t have all day.”

He closed his eyes and nodded. And then all color was ripped from the world. I groaned like I had taken a punch to the stomach, doubling over. I felt the bond break and the fledgling connection with my pack break.

I sobbed, staring in horror as Lana and Nico writhed on the ground. A gaping hole opened in Lana’s aura. Her energy, her life force, leaked out and evaporated. All those claws in Nico’s aura shredded it to threads. He convulsed as he shattered to pieces.

“Oh, fuck.”

Star pushed Beg aside and grabbed my face. “Moxie, what’s happening?”

“He did it. He broke the bond. But there’s nothing holding Nico together.”

He stared at me in terror. Every kid is raised on nightmares of aura damage. There was a whole genre of horror fiction about it.

“Moxie,” Star shook me by the shoulder, refocusing me, “you’re the auracle here. Tell me how to fix it.”

“Pack. Pack is the only thing that fixes aura damage. I think,” I swallowed down the fear, “I think the damage is too fresh. I think, oh fuck.”

Star caught me up in his arms and pressed his lips to me. I felt his aura seep into the gaping wound in my side.

“I love you, Moxie. We can do this.” He stroked my cheek, sending shivers through me.

I nodded and leaned into his palm. “Bite me.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am if you are. I mean, you’re Mr. I-Don’t-Want-A-Pack BookNerd, sitting in a corner all by himself. Ignoring pretty little paragons throwing themselves at—” He smothered my words with his lips. He slid his fingers in my hair at the back of my head, tugging my head back gently.

“Moxie, will you accept my bite?”

“Yes.” I arched my neck for him, giving consent with words and my body. He trailed kisses down my neck, settling his teeth on me, covering Beg’s mark like he could wipe it out of existence. The pressure was slow but firm, causing tingles to flare up that burst into pinpricks of pain and pleasure when his teeth broke my skin. I moaned, feeling his aura slip around me, settling right up under my skin. His energy was warm but cooling at the same time and filled my mouth with coffee and sweet cream.

He let go of my neck, licking up a trickle of blood. “Fuck, Moxie.” He leaned his head against mine for a second before blowing out a slow breath. “Now Nico.”

I slipped out of the circle of Star’s arms, but his aura clung to me like an embrace. With a groan of effort, he pulled Nico into his lap. Nico’s eyes fluttered open and then rolled back into his head. Lana’s fingers knotted into my torn skirt as she tried to sit up, too. I squeezed her hand to reassure her.

“Nico, come back to me.” I cupped his face and ran my thumb across his lower lip. Star readjusted his hold and smoothed back his hair. Nico blinked, his eyes struggled to focus.

“Let me bite you,” Star said, using a finger to gently tip Nico’s head toward him.

“Only if I still get to be on top.” Nico’s words were slurred, but it was enough to bring a sweet smile to Star’s lips.

“Only if you ask nicely.”

“Yes,” Nico said, closing his eyes.

Nico shook as Star bit down as gently as he could. I watched in awe as their auras mingled. But it wasn’t going to be enough. Panic bubbled in my chest. Star’s eyes flew to me. We both reeled from the connection. That was going to take getting used to. He let go of Nico’s neck and wrapped his arms more tightly around him.

The tears in Nico’s aura shrank but weren’t closing. They might in time, but I couldn’t take that risk.