“Nico! Feel me!” Moxie shouted.
I couldn’t see her. But I could feel her, a wisp of her in a tiny space in my soul that Beg could never touch. It was like fuel, tiny twigs of kindling. I brought my hands up and settled my weight back into a fighting stance.
“I said down!” The ice picks moved to my brain, blinding me.
Nico dropped to a knee, lowering his fists that would protect his head. Beg pulled his arm back for a crushing blow. I angled a punch under his arm, above his kidneys, feeling bone crack under my fist.
Screaming, his back arched sharply, giving me enough room to hook my arm around his neck in a hold he couldn’t break.
“Brother,” I growled in his ear. My throat burned. My voice was torn to shreds.
I felt the impact of Nico’s fist radiate through Beg’s body.
“That one was for putting Nico in a room with Moxie. You disgusting monster.”
Another blow. “For Lana,” I said.
“Stop.” Beg coughed. A spray of yellow and red splattered Nico’s white shirt.
“I haven’t even gotten my payback yet. How about one for your mother, who took the fall for you when you tried to kill me when I was twelve?”
I nodded at Nico. This punch broke another bone.
“Oh, I remember everything from that day. You pushed me off that cliff at the beach house and left me there for two days. Your mom covered for you. I didn’t say a word. You could havestopped her from being cut off. But you didn’t, you fucking coward.”
“This one’s just for me,” Nico said, interrupting our family trauma session. Nico’s fist knocked Beg’s head into my face. I’d have one hell of a shiner I’d wear proudly.
“Another for Moxie?” I asked Nico.
“I have a better idea.” Moxie appeared like an angel, touching Nico’s shoulder to stay his hand. She untangled an arm from around Lana’s waist. The beta sank to her knees, holding her head.
“Listen to me very carefully, Beguile.”
I snorted at the use of his baby name. Beg shook violently to free himself from my hold. Moxie grabbed his nose and yanked his head back. His scream practically split my eardrum.
“Oh, sorry, broken nose?” she said in a baby voice.
“Cunt,” Beg spat out.
“Such a potty mouth. Anyway. Here’s the sitch. I’ve already killed you.”
I almost lost my grip on my brother. Killed him? What the fuck did that mean?
Chapter 48
“You need medical attention.Break the pack bonds. Now. Or we’re just going to sit here and watch you die a horrible death.”
“Moxie?” Nico said in a confused whisper.
“Beg,” I ignored Nico. I’d fill him in later. Or maybe not, depending on if the police got involved. “I told you when we first met. You would lose. And I would always win. Break the pack bonds and I’ll make sure you don’t die.”
Beg’s eyes darted to Nico, then to Lana. He knew he was beaten. He had just lost everything. I was counting on him being selfish and not wanting to go down with the proverbial ship.