Page 70 of Shaken Knot Stirred

“Fuck you, Beg.” There was no sweetness in Moxie’s voice now.

He thought he had won.

“Here’s your problem, brother. You have nothing. You don’t even own your car. And you’ll have nothing unless you start a pack. And I have the pack you want.” Beg made a move to snatch me close. I punched his arm away.

“Have you really thought about this situation, Beg?” I asked him. It was madness to try and talk sense into him. He wouldn’t survive a war with his brothers. Any legal blow back would fall on me and Lana as his pack.

Star finally looked at me and I braced myself to be swamped by hatred or contempt. What else would you feel when the person who warmed your bed betrayed you like I did? He flicked his eyes to Moxie and back as if to say, take care of her, I’ll be back.

“Go whine to our brothers. I don’t think you’ll find them as helpful as you think.” Beg let go of Lana with a rough push.

Star looked her over, checking to make sure no actual harm was done.

“This isn’t over, Beg.”

“Oh, but it is. There’s nothing you can do to me. You know it and I know it.”

With a final cold, calculating look at Moxie, Star turned on his heel and made his way out of the Vig.

Beg turned to us like he actually expected a cheering section this time.

Chapter 39


“I think it’s timefor a little talk,” Beg said, wrapping his thick fingers around Moxie’s arm. She wrenched herself free.

He shot his arm out to push her, but I stepped in the way. He jutted his chin out the door.

“Lana, get back to work,” he said over his shoulder.

We followed him down the winding halls. The sound of the thumping bass of the dance club below us got louder, the reverb rang in the walls.

He held a random door open and nodded us in. The Pax complex was littered with rooms like this, empty andbarren, with exposed pipes or sometimes random furniture. We regularly had security sweep the building for squatters and kids getting high.

Lightning-quick, Beg flashed out a hand. The ratchet sound of handcuffs was barely audible over the muffled music. He snapped the other cuff to a pipe, leaving Moxie’s hand to dangle at head height.

“Even if bondage was my kink, Beg, I’m still never going to fuck you.”

“Do you ever shut the fuck up?” Irritation made Beg’s eye twitch.

“Nope.” She rattled the cuff against the pipe.

I put my back against the door and braced for whatever Beg was going to throw at me next.

“You’re going to fall in line.”

“Beg, you’re terrible at this supervillain shit. You’re not the smart brother. You’re just cruel.”

“I am. That’s the point.”

Moxie made a disgusted noise and rolled her eyes.

“What’s the endgame here?” Moxie said, putting one hand on her hip and looking as tough as an omega could with one hand chained to a pipe.

“Yeah, I’d like to know that too,” I said, crossing my arms.

“What if I told you there isn’t an end?”