Page 63 of Shaken Knot Stirred

Tires squealed, and I could practically taste the burnt rubber in the air. The brakes screeched to a stop right next to me.

“Get in,” Beg said with laughter in his voice.

“Make me.”

A wild grin stole across his face.Shit, shit, shit, Moxie, he already tried to kill one person today.His own brother.

Fuck me, I was scent matched to Alistair’s brother.

He got out of the car slowly and shut his door with care. I threw up my hands and walked behind the truck to the passenger side. I heaved the door open and hiked up my skirt toget ready to climb in. Beg had followed me around the truck and gave me a mocking laugh.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him return to the driver’s side, convinced I was going to obey and didn’t deserve help climbing his beast of a truck. I took a second to slip off my heels and then I bolted across the patch of manicured grass.

Beg was going to have to wash his mouth out with soap with all the foul words that were coming out of it. The engine screamed. There was no easy way for him to follow. He’d have to backtrack through the parking lot.

There were bellows from the doorman and calls for security. I heard another tire screech and a thump. This bastard disregarded the sanctity of hedgerows and plowed right through the plush landscaping.

He cut me off, narrowly missing me. I pinwheeled my arms, throwing myself backward, so I wouldn’t be smushed by his horrific vehicle.

Seething anger was dripping from him as he hopped out of the cab. His scent filled the air and stung my eyes.

“You know,” he said slowly, approaching like I was a dangerous animal, “this was entertaining, but I’m over it now.”

“Oh, we are just getting started.”

He didn’t know it yet, but I’d just bought myself an insurance policy.

Aria. And Winston Knightbridge.

My little stunt of playing auracle and telling fortunes had had two goals. I wasn’t above starting rumors that the illustrious Star Knightbridge had a tiny knot, but convincing his potential packmates that their true hearts’ desires were within reach if they didnotchoose Star? That was some psychological fuckery that would be hard to logic your way out of. Goal One was wrecking Star’s chance at a pack.

Goal Two was showing how valuable it might be to have an auracle at your disposal. Winston Knightbridge would be the exact kind of alpha who would enjoy having aces in his pocket. There was no better way to win the game of money than knowing what your adversary was feeling. The same went for Aria, but her currency was attention and sex. They both now had a taste of what I could do for them.

“Get in the truck.”

I considered screaming for help. Winston was my ace, but I wasn’t ready to show that card yet by putting his security into a tizzy.

Beg grabbed my arm, his fingers digging into me, hard enough to bruise. He didn’t trust me to get in all on my own this time. With alpha strength, he lifted me into the cab. He climbed in right behind me, forcing me to scramble to the passenger seat. He jerked my arm, pulling me right into his chest.

“I liked strapping you to my truck the other day. You won’t like it if I have to do it again.”

I had no doubt about that. Lana and I had spent a solid hour trying on bracelets that covered the lingering red mark from the zip tie.

“Let. Go.”

“Sit.” His alpha bark rolled over me.

Suffocating, his aura took up all the space in the cab. I forced small breaths into myself and stared at my hands. They were ringed in his aura signature. His bark overpowered my own will. It was awful. Even the simple thought of wanting to fight it felt like ribbons of steel wrapping around my insides.

What would it be like if he bit me?

So, I sat. I clenched my fists so hard, my new manicure would leave half-moon dents in my palm.

He tore up the grass as he peeled out of Paramour’s gardens, no doubt causing thousands in damage. I fought car sickness ashe abused the pavement with his dumbass truck. I settled my mind enough to come up with a new plan.

Chapter 35
