He was getting alphas addicted to rut. He mixed a rut booster with Disco, the city’s favorite club drug. It could throw you into a temporary rut where everything felt good on your skin. If he threw adrenaline in it, full-on rut within 10 minutes with the works - the hallucinations, the rage, the never-ending hard-on.
A certain type of alpha was loving it. They’d try it once and be back the next day asking to go again. And Beg could provide an omega in heat to his very special, very rich clientele.
“I know the Knightbridges and PHPD are like this,” I crossed my two fingers together. “JP might be a little too high-profile, and you might not like that attention.”
“Every alpha in the city hates that little dick. It’s only a matter of time before he gets a beat down. I’d like to make money off that.”
“Whatever, man, I’ll see what I can do.”
He didn’t move. It wasn’t good enough for him. Nothing ever was.
“Owen Whitaker wants to challenge for pack lead. He wants to do it the old-fashioned way.” I said reluctantly. I’d been sitting on this tidbit forever. I knew exactly what Beg would do with it.
“Does Nolan know?”
I shook my head. This was a coup. Owen wanted control of the pack. Leadership changes weren’t terribly common. Those who attempted it usually went through the courts to compel the pack lead to remove himself or step aside. Old fashioned fights to the death were almost unheard of. Owen would lose like most challengers, and on Fight Night, that might end his life.
“Well, that’s going to be fun. I’ll give Nolan ring-side seats. Make it a surprise. Go tell Owen it’s on. And he better fucking write a will.”
He finally stepped aside and let me open the door. I didn’t bother to close it.
“And tell Lana I said she’s the one to get JP’s buy-in.” Beg said before shutting the door.
I cringed, bile rising up in my stomach. The last “date” she’d had with JP, she’d come home with her dress torn and spent an hour in the shower. She’d insisted nothing happened, but we both knew she was lying.
I turned the corner to the employee entrance to the Vig. I needed food and something to drink. Moxie waited by the door for me. She had her arms crossed, leaning against the frame, one foot over the other, the toe of her boot on the floor.
I slam his underwear drawer shut and pull at my hair. He has a big-ass safe. I didn’t bring the right equipment to crack it. The ring’s not that precious. A safe would be overkill. I’ve gone through all the drawers, his closet. No joy, only a few watchesI seriously considered pocketing. They could go a long way to buying me out of this shit fest.
I freeze once I’m in the living room.
He has his arms crossed, leaning against the frame, one foot over the other, the toe of his expensive shoe on the floor.
“Disappointingly empty, isn’t it? I’m in my poor little rich boy era.” He’s amused. Alphas generally are not fans of uninvited guests in their space. “Did you take the watches? They might make the effort worth it for you.” I move casually forward and lean my hip against the expansive island counter. Moxie taught me how to get someone to mirror your actions by first mirroring theirs.
“I thought about it.” I cock my head and smile. “But you’re too pretty not to have shiny things.” And he is. Stunning really.
He pushes off the wall and stalks to me. An inch separates us.
“We’ll search your pockets. Shall we?” He’s thorough in his pat down, lingering, grazing my cock. He traps me with his arms as I lean against the counter.
“You broke into my home.” His voice was anything but angry. “Let me fuck you, and we’ll call it even.”
“Hey,” she put her hand on my arm.
I shook my head to clear it. Her aura wrapped around me like it used to when she slept in my bed. I cupped her face and stroked her cheek.
“I can’t catch your scent.” I couldn’t even tell if I said that out loud.
I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. My fingers cramped into fists as I let her go. I brushed by her to step into the Vig. My pace increased, faster and faster, running through the Pax until I found myself on the street.
Chapter 28
The early morning sunreflecting off Ceto Bay was blinding. I pushed my sunglasses back up my nose in a vain attempt to block it all out. If only Icouldblock all of this out.
“You look like shit,” Win said, pulling out his own shades. I shrugged. He knew I was out of sorts. He did not know the exact reason why, though.