Cora sat up straight with a sudden gasp. “Moxie, you don’t have an alpha! The match making is superb even though they’ve done away with the auction.”
“Auction?” Lana asked, pushing Cora’s drink closer to her.
“Oh, they outlawed it years ago.” She cocked her head to think about it. “I might have been the last one,” she said, her eyes smiling. “The Dinghy Races, the gala, the tea party, and all the other events are like a massive matchmaking party. Omegas might have many offers, so they used to hold auctions, and packs and alphas would make offers to the omega, to pay off their past debts or promises about nests and accommodations that they would build. It’s sad that the tradition went away, but it is understandable. Now we have boring pre-bond agreements.”
While Cora talked, Lana angled her body toward her. With subtle movements, she encouraged Cora to finish her drink. I had run out of raspberries, but I was not leaving the table.
“And competition between packs,” Cora continued, taking another sip of her drink, “can result in a rather lucrative arrangement for the omega. Now all that negotiation goes on in right. It’s all very legal and dull.”
“Is that how you ended up with Ria?” Lana prompted.
Cora took a sip of her drink as her cheeks blushed. “I wanted Ria the moment I saw her. She was so tall and refined. I had never seen myself with a female alpha, but I wanted her. Ria couldn’t have cared less until the auction when I courted the attention from another pack. Alphas cannot stand competition. And that’s the fun of the Dinghy Races, seeing how far an alpha will go to get the prize.”
“So the Dinghy Races are just a tool to manipulate alphas?” I asked.
“Oh, darling, everything is a tool to manipulate alphas.”
I couldn’t disagree with her there.
“You must attend the Gala at the very least. You’ll need something to make yourself stand out. This little dress is not doing you any justice, love.”
“I don’t think I have the wardrobe to go to a gala,” I replied.
Cora gasped again.
“I’ll be your sponsor,” she said brightly, her words beginning to slur. “Having a sponsor from a well-placed pack will open even more doors for you. I can take you around, make introductions, be a reference, help you negotiate your agreements.”
“I don’t…” Lana cut me off with a look.
I didn’t need an alpha. I didn’t want a pack. Subtle scent was a constant reminder of the situation and what was at stake. I absolutely did not want Beg as my alpha. But Lana? Nico?
The second his name bubbled up in my gray matter, warmth spread through me. I’d been pushing it out of my brain all day, trying to ignore his very existence. I pressed my legs together under the table, annoyed by the fact that just thinking Nico’s name could make me horny.
“Well, Moxie is new to Port Haven. She doesn’t even have the wardrobe to attend an event like the Gala,” Lana interjected.
Cora waved that off dismissively and wiggled her fingers for her clutch. She slid out her phone and scrolled through her contacts. A satisfied smile bloomed across her lips.
“Chrisima, darling, how are you? Yes, I’m sorry it’s so late. Of course, lunch next week, but could you be a dear? I’ve just met the most stunning little omega. Poor thing is alone in the world. I’m trying to convince her to attend the Gala.” She nodded and inspected her nails. “She has nothing to wear except an off-the-rack black shift dress. I know, tragic. What size is she?” Cora rapped her nail on the table for my response. I mouthed “fourteen,” and flashed her a 1 and a 4 with my hands.
“Fourteen,” Cora said to the phone. “Oh yes, hips for heat.” Cora winked at me. “No, no, just send them over to Lana at Vig. She’ll take care of it.” Lana gave me a little shrug. So, this was how she built her crazy wardrobe.
“Oh, and do you have any casual off-rack pieces? She’ll need something to stroll the boardwalk for the races. With her coloring, she might not be able to take the sun. Yes, that’s perfect. The same sun hat made for Sparkle? Yes, simply stunning.”
They went on for a few more moments with gossip about people I didn’t know, but Lana’s interest was piqued. I refreshed her drink while they said a drawn-out goodbye.
“Done. So now you must attend the Gala.”
“I’m not sure I’m in the market for an alpha,” I said. That was the truth, but I was hoping she’d take it as coy.
“Ah, but alphas are in the market for you. And you’ll win the day in a Chrisima gown.”
Nico’s scent pulled my head up before he even stepped into Vig. The pine that wrapped around his scent had seemed alien at first, but now seemed right.
His eyes floated up and down my frame like a silent call that my body responded to against my will. I turned back to Cora, giving her only half my attention. Nico made the rounds, stopping at different booths, avoiding us completely. I could feel every time he looked my way. I’d be dipping into Lana’s box of panties before the night was over.
I snapped back to reality as Lana and Cora slid out of the booth, murmuring words about the ladies’ room. Gathering up all the drink materials, I wiped down the table with a little too much aggression. The tray was heavy on my fingertips, but I’d have no problem balancing it back to the bar.
Nico stepped into my path with a suddenness that should have toppled the tray. I steadied it with my other hand, bringing it to the front of my body. I was not above using dirty dishes as a cock block.