“Nadine, you have to stop letting him do this.” The guy’s voice was dark and rich, and didn’t match his face.
“First,” she put a finger right up into his face, “you don’t ever tell me what I have to do.”
This was going to be juicy. I kicked the tote bag of yarn towards the wall. I loved rubber necking other people’s drama. Beats the hell out of my currentwill she, won’t she be homelesssaga.
She held the door open and nodded for a few people to go back inside. “Second, you want to tell his highness to stop dismissing the staff?” At least that’s what I thought she said. She was leaning into a cigarette to light it, so she was a bit muffled. The guy raked fingers through his hair in frustration. Apparently, he was not about to tell “his highness” anything.
“That’s what I thought.” She said, exhaling an elegant cloud of smoke around her as she expertly juggled her phone and a pack of cigarettes in one hand. She leaned her back against the door as a few more people hurried around her. She was obviously the boss and everyone en mass rethought the smoke break idea.
“We don’t have enough people. You’re going to have to raise it to $3,000.”
“Two is fair for the night, and you know it. It’s not the money, Sean, she’s being difficult.”
My ears perked up at the dollar amounts. $2,000 for one night of serving at a party? Man, I could do that. I edged a little closer.
“We need like five more or it’s going to be a nightmare.” He stepped back to let a few more people through. It was just the three of us in the alley now. She sighed. It seemed to me like she was reluctantly agreeing. I wondered how desperate they were. Making two-grand tonight would more than make up for this catastrophe with the yarn.
“Fine. Go find Aurora. She knows people on the outskirts.” Both their phones chimed in unison. He jumped to check his. She didn’t bother.
“Fuck. She’s here. Already?” Without another word, he hustled inside.
The woman, Nadine, leaned her head against the door and took a long drag. My heart pounded in my chest. Fake it till you make it, right? I could suffer one night handing out shrimp cocktail if I made rent for next month.
“Sorry to over hear,” I used my customer service voice, “but if you need another to work tonight…” I let that trail off, hoping I wasn’t being too bold.
She cocked her head, giving me a long up and down, her eyes came to rest on my neck. “You’ve done this before?”
“Of course.” I lied. Well, it wasn’t a lie. I’d done it exactly once before.
She took a deep breath. Her nostrils flared. I gave her my best smile.
Three different ring-tones went off on her phone all at once. She didn’t check, but I could tell her anxiety ratcheted up. She dropped her cigarette and squished it out with exquisite brown leather heels.
“Fine. Coat check, and you don’t leave it. No matter the offer.”
“$3,000?” I asked. Yeah, I know it was ballsy, but I was high on the chance to make rent in one night. She looked at my neck again, and then down the length of my body. The feminist in me was going to shut the hell up. I needed this money.
“Two.” She nodded me in as her phone went off again. Hot damn. Goosepimples jumped up across boss arms. Must be the excitement.
I was propped up in a dark corner, watching the ice chunks as I rattled the glass. Not enough vodka in the world for this. I arrived as late as I could, so as not to suffer a tongue-lashing from Veronica. Long enough for me to take a hot shower. Can’t be smelling like sex and apathy on Veronica’s big day, can I? All I got from her were narrowed eyes, she was too busy with all the fawning.
I timed it just right to miss the bulk of the festivities. Tribute Day was an affirmation of the bonds that create “The Family.” Each member would share a private moment with their Patron, then offer up their blood in tribute to... I don’t know what. The glory of the family? The awesomeness of being a vampire? I would say it was just for Veronica’s vanity and ego, but it was a tradition carried by all Patrons. The Family was huge, so it took forever. But each member would get their moment to bask in Veronica’s presence, whispering private oaths and pledges, before offering a drop of blood on the edge of her silver dagger. Some made a grand spectacle of it, like Sir Kyle of the Sausage Fingers. He crawled to the dais and kissed her heels before stabbing himself in the chest, bemoaning his unworthiness and weeping for her to taste him.
Disgusting, wasn’t it?
Veronica had gotten quite conservative in her old age. These weren’t always such formal affairs, rife with decorum and protocol. Other Families paid Tribute with other traditions. The Mesmans were said to host a feast and a public making. The Halbed hosted an orgy, the lucky ducks. Veronica preferred the attention safely on her.
We had finally arrived at the begging portion of the evening. Newly made vampires asked to pledge to become Family and shiver in anticipation as Veronica tied a ribbon around their neck, a mark of her interest and favor. Some might seek resolution for a dispute, usually over money or lovers. Pledges didn’t have to wait until Tribute day to ask for acceptance into the Family. Most did, either to ride the wave of supposed joy or, more likely, ensure Veronica was in a magnanimous mood, thinking she wouldn’t want to sour the day.
“Don’t look so bored, Lachlan. Poor form. This is a celebration.” Juliet chided. I tore my eyes from the last pledge before Veronica.
I was standing with my back against the wall and made no move to acknowledge her presence. Wasn’t smart to give Juliet anything but your full attention. Even her dress demanded it. Not quite adress,it was more like strategically placed ribbons of red leather, must have been enchanted to hold the thing together. Silver glinted at her neck. It took a special kind of psychopath to wear a garrote around one’s own neck like it was any old piece of jewelry. You would have to be equally deranged to taunt Veronica’s favorite assassin.
“You seem bright and bonny, Juliet”. I cringed as the words came out of my mouth. It was one of his favorite greetings. I swallowed the lump even before it formed in my throat.