Lachlan nodded, shifting to kiss my thumb.
“He,” Lachlan started hesitantly. I gave him a small smile, “Warren always said witches were best left to themselves. He didn’t partake in collecting magic artifacts like some do. Unless you’re a witch, magic is dodgy at best.”
“Artifacts? Like magic wands?”
“Most are pretty innocuous, beauty related, enchanted hair clips and such.” He rested his forehead against mine and sighed. “Vampires are bloody vain and petty, aren’t we?”
I was too hot under the blankets now. I struggled out of the cocoon and Lachlan stripped them away, conveniently giving him more access to my body. I had fallen asleep in jeans and a t-shirt but his hands explored me like I was naked. It was hypnotic, there was a rhythm to it, finger tips up the back on my arm, a palm down my hip. I closed my eyes and tried to push away the cramping once it began.
“You should drink,” his voice was rough in my ear.
I shook my head. My breaths came faster, I dug nails into his back. I bit my lip and tasted my own blood. I growled. Then gasped at hearing that inhuman sound come from my throat.
His powerful arms rolled me over and caught me up, little spoon again. One arm underneath me, pinning both my arms. He flung his leg over me, stopping them from scissoring to find some relief with friction.
He slid his palm between my legs. I groaned and shuddered. He pulled me close to him, held me by my sex. I tried to grind myself into his palm, he applied more pressure, held me tighter, so tight, friction wasn’t even possible. I grunted in protest. He let me struggle against him, the frustration driving me mad.
“Tiffany.” His voice rained on me, cooling the fires but not extinguishing them. My body knew before I did that a release wasn’t coming. When I stopped reaching for it, a new sensation of pleasure swept me. Everywhere we touched simmered. I could feel the blood moving in my veins, in his veins, but it was discordant, like dancers out of step.
“Be with it, don’t force it to go somewhere.”
I tried. I tried to let go of it, whateveritwas, follow it, instead of pulling it to me. I felt his lips on my neck. And his tongue, hard pressure like massaging a knotted muscle. I arched my neck, giving him more of me.
And then I felt his fangs. They broke my skin in a sparkle of sensation, not a stab. He pulled for my blood. I felt it, life force, ebb out of me, and his energy flow into me. Again with a small tug on my neck. Energy flowed between us until it chimed like in a singular note. One pulse. One breath. One being. I gave in and let the feeling take me. Let him take me until every cell in my body feel full and expanded. Time could have stopped and I wouldn’t have cared.
He removed his fangs and licked my neck softly. That intense feeling of oneness abated, but the contentment lingered. His grip on me loosened. In a panic, I wiggled out a hand free, and covered his, the one holding me by my sex, digging my fingers into him. I wasn’t ready for him to let me go yet, maybe ever. He wrapped an index finger around mine, keeping our hands joined over my pussy, and he smiled into the kisses on my neck.
I dozed maybe. Or maybe I was just blissed out, feeling absolutely safe, like we were pulled out of reality for a bit. I needed to stretch, like a cat. I patted his hand that was still holding me tight. He relaxed me back into his body and draped his arms loosely around me. We were two beings again, but still connected.
“We have to talk.” He sighed into my hair.
I took a deep breath. That was never the beginning of a delightful conversation.
“I may have to send you away to…”
I sat up, my heart pounding up into my ears. “No.” I cut him off. “I can’t do this alone.”
He sat to face me, running his palms up and down my arms.
“I’m not sure its safe for you to be here until I figure…”
“On the west coast, there’s people, families,” he strained for the right word, “It’s not good for you. Not here.”
“Don’t I get a say in this?” He wouldn’t look at me. That was all the answer I needed. “Fine. Explain it to me like I’m five. What, exactly, is the danger here?”
He ran a hand through his hair and started to push off the bed. I swung my legs around him and balled my fingers in his shirt.
“You’re not going to run away and walk this off.”
He dug his fingers in my upper arms, to push me away but I clung tighter. Finally, he met my eyes, the blue was clouded with swirling emotions that all pointed to some flavor of fear.
Lachlan let out a shaky breath. I could feel him wanting to flee. His body was tense and jumpy.