Page 39 of Accidental Vampire

“Third, no questions about whatever this is.” He made a messy gesture with his hands in the space between us. “The less we know, the safer we are.”

“And lastly,” a grin spread across his face, “no one fucks her.”

“What the fuck did you just say?” Tiffany was on her feet and in his face. Aurora scrambled to her back by the wrists.

Shaw’s smile got bigger, and he continued, “We are not dealing with retribution from her maker for accidental bonds. All you have to do, Princess, is learn how to control yourself.”

I pushed off the wall I was leaning against, drawing all the attention to me. That was all I needed to assert authority. I relaxed my posture, feigned boredom, and they all got the message. Vampires never needed showy displays of dominance to get their point across. I could practically see the goose flesh ripple across their arms, deceptive calm weighing us all down.

Shaw shifted his weight to his back foot.

Another tiny movement that spoke volumes. He wasn’t capitulating, giving in, like they all did. He didn’t want a confrontation. Not now, at least. I gave him a half smile and eased back against the wall. Tiffany shook off Aurora’s grip but didn’t take her seat. My smile broadened at that. Shaw noticed too. His lip twitched, holding back a smirk.

“Bisou, we need some adjustments in the security cameras.” Shaw said, turning to saunter out. Bisou, tall and thin with almost colorless hair sweeping past her waist, followed Shaw out. And with that, the meeting was adjourned, the tension in the room shifting back to mild annoyance and curiosity.

Except for Tiffany. She stood awkwardly in the makeshift sitting area, pulling at her shirt, like it irritated her skin. Probably did. Your skin can be overly sensitive when you’re newly made.

“Well, alright, introductions,” the twitchy vampire stood. “My name is Shade.”

The room erupted in barks of laughter.

“Shut up, that’s what I’m using now.”

“At least Richard didn’t pick Spike.”

“Or Lestat.”

“Blade might come after you for copyright infringement.”

“Just call him Richard,” Zinnia said with a bored sigh.

“Or Dick.”

Tiffany was rocked by the fast paced barbs. I watched her gain composure, put it on like a coat. She held out her hand for a handshake. Richard looked at it, blinked back at her. Handshakes were a decidedly mortal custom. She looked at her hand, dropped it.

“I’m Tiffany Hartford.” She said, undaunted.

“Hartford? Not Venier?” Someone asked and was hushed with a quick “no questions”. Ire flashed through me at the thought of Tiffany wearing Veronica’s name. I’ll have to get Aurora to shore up our pathetic story about Tiffany being a part of the Family.

“Tiffany? You can’t be serious? No one is going to take a vampire seriously with the name Tiffany.” That came from the lanky, unkempt bloke. His jeans were held together with shiny silver pins. The shirt sleeves were rolled up, showing a tattooed arrow spanning his entire forearm. His name was something Spanish.

“See? That’s exactly why I want to go with Shade…”

“No one takes you seriously, Dick,” said Aurora.

“You should talk man, you’re named after a god damn muppet.” Zinnia cackled.

“If any human ever deserved to be named Gonzo, it would be you.”

Ah, that was it. Gonzales. He pushed his sleeves up higher, not offended in the least. But what the fuck was amuppet?

“Let me guess,” Richard continued, “your parents were from California.”

“No?” Tiffany said, squinting her eyes against the absurdity.

“OK. OK. So…” he stroked his chin, “Your birthday is January 6th and your parents are either very catholic or history professors.”

Tiffany took a step back, shocked, it seemed.