By the time I did, it was apparent I needed to spend more time in the gym. After catching my breath, I held back every groan I felt and slid over the top. At least there was soft grass on the other side. I dropped down, landing on my butt. Of course I did.
What the hell are you doing? You’re crazy.
Yes, I was.
As soon as I stood, wiping my backside with my hands, a jolt of electricity rolled through me. Oh, fuck. Very slowly I turned around, exhaling as I noticed Christos leaning against the hood of his car with his arms folded and his legs crossed at the ankle.
And he was wearing a huge, smug smile.
“Are you going somewhere, my little angel?”
“How did you know?” I finally asked after we’d been in his office for almost ten minutes. He’d poured us both a glass of wine and had been standing in front of the window staring out at the pool since doing so.
“The men I hire are highly intuitive, my sweetness. As soon as you walked out that front door acting hospitable to Luca, he knew you were going to attempt to escape. He called me and let you. He was watching what you were doing, relaying it to me as I was driving into the neighborhood. I simply waited, curious if you’d have the chutzpa to climb the wall. Much to my surprise and delight, you did. Plus, I know you better than you think I do. I could see in your eyes you were planning something.”
He turned around, placing his glass of wine on his desk. I’d be damned if the smug look didn’t return as he clapped very slowly. Was he kidding me?
“What are you doing?”
“I’m complimenting you, Valencia. You’re the only person who’s managed to leave without tripping an alarm.”
An alarm. I hadn’t realized there were alarms. He must have sensed a hint of confusion.
“You didn’t know I had alarms and security cameras? Now, I’m certain if we look at the various screens in my communications room, we’d see your escape attempt clearly. Climbing the wall was clever and highlighted a weakness in the system. The wall will be reinforced. So thank you.”
I had no clue whether he was angry or amused. “Glad I could be of assistance.” I hadn’t paid any attention until this moment, but he had blood on his shirt. I walked closer, narrowing my eyes. “Are you hurt?”
He captured what I was looking at, slowly dropping his gaze. When he tore his shirt off from the back of the neck, I sucked in and held my breath. His chiseled perfection still grabbed my attention every time.
“I’m not hurt, Valencia.”
Why was he saying my name like I was a bad girl? “You hurtsomeone.”
“Let’s just say I found a source and gathered some information. New York had become a very popular location for thieves and liars.”
“Another twisted insinuation.”
“Not at all. You truly have no clue what’s going on. I’m convinced. But I bet your father has a general idea.”
“So you trust me,” I muttered.
“More than you know.”
“Then let me help you.”
That caught him off guard. “Go on.”
“Since my father called, I have an excuse to talk to him. You can tell me what to ask, I’ll put it in my own terms and do so.”
His smile slowly grew. “Not a bad idea. It also might tip him off.”
“My father doesn’t mind bragging when he’s allowed.”