“Fine. We lost two good men,” I told him.
“To be expected during a fucking massacre.”
My oldest brother was attempting to take everything in stride. But I also sensed his increasing anger. We were all hot-blooded men who couldn’t handle disruptions. When something happened to our family? We reacted and usually without asking any questions.
“The bomb?” he asked.
“Could be from a gift brought by the Armenian leader. He left the party before he got out of his car.” Havros laughed bitterly. “What are the odds?”
“I don’t like this shit,” I admitted. “We need to establish a plan.”
Dimitrios shifted again. “Yes, we do. I’ll be out of here today. Comb the streets. I need to hear all the chatter before we decide. We need to go in with our eyes wide open.”
“I need to have a discussion with Davit,” I told both of them. Whether or not the man had helped execute part of the attack or was behind it I would discover.
If he was, the man would die.
“Find whatever information you can,” Dimitrios said again. “Talk to Davit. I need to know what he has to say.”
“We’ll take care of it, but we can’t allow this to linger. Our reputations and our fortunes are on the line,” I told him.
My older brother smirked. “You’ve certainly come into your own as my Enforcer. It’s good to see you expand your talents.”
“Don Coppola alluded to the issues in New York. Stern’s father as well as Valencia’s father are both working on a task force against crime syndicates.”
“I doubt that’s anything new.”
“What if Stern and Baker knew about the diamond shipment? Perhaps they’re considering expanding their businesses.” I was rolling through the suggestions in full realization none of them were adding up.
“I’ll put a temporary hold on the shipment into New York, but I don’t want anyone outside of the family knowing. We’ll need to draw the persons responsible into the open.” At least Dimitrios was fully prepared to return to business.
“I’ll be the point person for questions the captain and crew have,” Havros stated.
“You’re right. Returning to New York appears to be on the horizon,” I added.
“Another few days will determine the next steps. Thank Valencia for me.”
I wasn’t in the mood to tell my older brother I was having trust issues. “I will. Get some rest.”
Havros patted him on the arm and trailed behind me into the corridor. We remained silent as we walked toward the nurses’ station. My mind was still going over every detail of the attack. Once the desk was in view, I noticed a courier talking with one of the nurses. Our approach must have caught her eye. She pointed in our direction.
The courier moved quickly, holding out the manila envelope in his hand. “Is one of you Christos Nomikos?” he asked in greeting.
“I am.”
“Package for you, sir. No need for a signature.”
I took it from his hand, realizing the contents were flat. I waited until after he’d left before yanking the tape from the flap, jerking it open.
As I pulled out the contents, I half laughed.
“What are they?” Havros asked.
“Photographs of the wedding. Including ones with Valencia in my arms.”
“A threat?”
“Likely. Or a simple reminder her identity has been out in the public eye.” There were others including close-ups of every family member. I was instantly on edge, glancing after the young man as he headed for the elevator. I could grill him, but would get nothing. The package had no return address, but my thoughts drifted to the photographer. He’d been vetted, but how well? “You know what’s interesting? The man hired to take the pictures wasn’t our usual man.”