Page 83 of The Enforcer

Dr. Drakos scowled. “I’m certain they will insist. They tend to get what they want around here. I’ll have one of the nurses show you to the doctors’ lounge and make certain you have a change of scrubs. You can take a shower as well and of course use of the lounge.”

“Thank you, Doctor. Would you like me to talk with the family?” He was completely agitated by the family’s interference. Correction, Christos and his demands. At least in this case, Christos had been right.

“If that’s alright with you. I don’t enjoy being pushed.”

I laughed, but the sound was as hollow as I felt. “I can understand that.”

“Be careful around the family, Dr. Laurant. From what I’ve heard, they eat their young.” Dr. Drakos didn’t wait for my response, storming away from me, smashing his hand on a set of swinging doors.

After taking a deep breath, I shook my head.

I pulled my hair free and headed out of the room down the corridor. A significant part of me was numb inside. Christos had saved my life at a risk to his own. For that I’d be eternally grateful.

However, hearing the screams and the loud popping of gunfire had been a horrible reminder that Christos’ life was enveloped in danger. A beautiful wedding had been ruined, lives lost, and terror shoved into the minds of a hundred guests.

Myself included.

I wasn’t certain how to feel any longer except for numb.

After reaching the doors leading to the main portion of the floor, I hesitated. At least I had decent news, although I had serious doubts Apollo would make it. One thing that had been detected during the surgery was a heart condition he hadn’t been aware of. He was lucky he hadn’t experienced a massive heart attack, one that would have been unrecoverable.

That much I had repaired in addition to locating the bullet fragment. I took a deep breath and pushed my way through the doors, my legs heavy as I walked down the nearly empty corridor.

It was well after one in the morning, the hospital quieter than when we’d arrived. I’d been forced to argue with the paramedics on the way to the hospital, both the language barrier and my pushy ways off-putting to them. Because of that, Apollo had flatlined once.

I dared not tell Christos that. He’d undoubtedly make their lives miserable.

When I noticed Christos standing with one hand placed on the wall, his head down, I took another deep breath. I cared about his family, every one of them. They’d managed to make me feel as if I belonged in a short period of time.

I stood right where I was, surveying the somber scene. There were at least eight of the family’s soldiers in the room and I guessed there were more guards outside. I couldn’t imagine what was going on at the house.

There was a crackle of electricity from this far away and that was the moment Christos lifted his head, turning it toward me. The instant look of relief in his sullen expression created a flutter of butterflies. He took long strides toward me, jogging the last few yards.

“My God. You’re okay.” He pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly against him for several seconds. When he pulled away, he cupped my face, kissing me on the lips. The rush of desire was there, but I was still so numb I couldn’t react.

He sensed my discord, pulling away. “I’m fine, Christos. I’ve just been a little busy.”

Havros and Willow immediately noticed us, walking in our direction. When Cora didn’t follow them, I headed toward the group, continuing until their mother could hear me as well.

Christos kept his hand on the small of my back as he always did. A flash of almost being killed entered my mind and it took almost everything I had to shove it away.

I couldn’t think about me when this family was suffering.

“I’ve just gotten out of surgery. I was allowed to assist.”

Christos moved beside me. I noticed such venom in his eyes. “And?”

“And I found a bullet fragment that was life threatening. Fortunately, I successfully removed it. Now he’s in stable condition in recovery, but it’s going to be touch and go. If he makes it through the night, he should make a full recovery.”

“Are you saying the doctor was about to close him up without catching the fragment?” Havros accused.

“I’m saying I found it. We both had our hands full. Okay? In addition, I also found an unknown heart condition, which I successfully corrected. In a way, your father was lucky. I know that isn’t something you want to hear, but the anomaly would have eventually caused a heart attack I doubt he would have survived.”

“So you’re a hero all over again,” Christos said and I was uncertain by the tone of his voice if he was angry with me.

“I’m no hero. Right place at the right time under the worst circumstances. It’s going to be touch and go for a little while. If you pray, I’d consider doing that.”

“Yes, you were here at the right time. I’m curious how fate brought us such good will.”