I closed my eyes all over again, doing everything I could to meet every savage thrust. His stamina was insane. I could barely breathe, taking gasping breaths. But he refused to stop. I wasn’t expecting my body to react so quickly, the tingling sensations increasing with every deep plunge. As another climax crawled up from my toes, I could tell he was pleased.
Another hard crack was swatted against my backside, and as I’d experienced before with him, the combination of pain and pleasure was enough to drive me into another incredible climax.
“Oh, God.” I was breathless, my words garbled. I sensed his body tensing, his actions stiffer than before.
All I could do was smile.
“Fuck. Yes,” he hissed and slammed harder and faster. I had no clue how that was possible.
As soon as I felt him start to release, I squeezed my muscles as I’d done before. There was nothing I appreciated more than the cries of ecstasy he made when filling me with his seed.
His body continued spasming for several seconds. When he finally began to breathe a little easier, he fell over me, nuzzling against my ear.
“I can’t resist you,” he said.
“Mmm… I don’t mind.”
“In doing so, you would soon learn just how dominating I can be.”
“I already know that.”
He kept our bodies together for a couple of minutes.
Until someone tried to open the door.
I yelped.
He laughed. “Hold on. We’ll be right there.”
I quickly wiped the mirror and when I could finally see a fuzzy reflection of us, I gave him a dirty look. “I’ll get you for this.”
He was still chuckling as he put himself back together. Within seconds, it appeared as if he hadn’t just fucked me like a crazed animal.
Me on the other hand? I looked exactly like I’d just been royally fucked.
“I know you’re in there. Your brother sent me to look for you.”
I spun around and we both mouthed her name. Willow.
This was now by far the most impetuous thing I’d ever done. I was adding to my collection.
After pulling myself together as quickly as possible, including righting my panties and smoothing down my dress, I gave the okay.
As soon as he opened the door, Willow took a huge step backwards. “Okay, kids. I won’t tell Mom and Dad you were making out behind the bleachers as long as you scurry along back to the reception. Where you’re supposed to be.”
“Stop worrying,” Christos told her. “I have it all under control.”
“So on this day of celebration for my brother Havros and his lovely bride Kara, I wanted to wish for the both of youna zisete. May you live.” I raised my glass and for only the second time that I could remember, the first being the birth of his child, Havros had tears in his eyes.
“Na zisete!” almost everyone else said in unison, the stunning woman who stood right by my side included. Her face was finally beaming with real joy and the scent of our combined desire lingered on my skin.
I continued to remind myself that today was a good day. Sadly, I had a feeling my old reservations and angers would crowd in soon enough. Don Coppola had purposely sought Valencia out as he’d done with me. What I needed to know was why. I would corner him if necessary.
“That was beautiful. You did an incredible job with your speech. I’d even call it a bit sappy,” Valencia said wistfully.