But he’d been entirely different since the ceremony. In the two almost two hours since the happy couple had said their ‘I do’s,’ he’d been more reserved, consuming a single glass of champagne.
He jerked me back to a standing position, crushing his body against mine. His breath was hot, creating another series of tingling sensations.
While I placed my arm over his shoulder and he continued moving me in a sweep of circles, I made a little face at him. “Do you have your speech memorized? It’s almost time for the cake cutting and the toast.”
“Of course. I am not only a man of action, but am considered the perfect best man.”
“Oh, yeah?” I adjusted his bowtie that he’d obviously been tugging on and sensed he was staring right through me. The feeling was unnerving. Why did I have the distinct feeling he was struggling with trusting me? Was it something the Italian Don had told him? How would the man know anything personal about me?
“There is something bothering you. What exactly did Don Coppola say to you?”
“It’s really nothing.”
“I can tell it is and what bothers you bothers me.” His voice was gruffer than before.
“He was insinuating something about me or my family. As if I had a hidden agenda.”
“Do you?” He crowded my space and I could tell by the look in his eyes he was only teasing.
But the line of questioning still bothered me. “We all have agendas, but mine has never been hidden. Now, I think I need to fresh up before this great speech of yours. I do not want to miss a single second.”
I laughed and he continued eyeing me carefully. “Don’t go too far.”
“Just to the house. I promise I won’t attempt to escape.”
“You know what will happen if you do.”
As I backed away, he continued staring at me and I felt another wave of anxiety. Something had been nagging at me for days and I had yet to put my finger on why. I moved through the guests, thankful no one tried to stop me. As soon as I went inside, I was grateful for the few moments of peace and quiet.
With the pool house and outdoor kitchen complete with several indoor bathrooms, I doubted anyone would just wander into the house, yet I moved to the private washroom off the pantry. Once inside the small space, I flicked on the light before closing the door.
I hadn’t realized just how tense I’d become until I glanced in the mirror. Anxiousness wore on my face. Groaning, I rolled my fingers through my hair as I twisted my lips. I was glad I’d purchased twenty-four-hour lipstick. It was still in perfect condition. I rolled my fingers through the corners just in case before taking another look at myself. Maybe I should go upstairs and powder my nose.
No, not necessary. At least it would be dark soon enough. I laughed and shook my head. Now I was prepared to hide from people? That wasn’t like me in the least. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift to my happy place. Years ago, I’d had a doctor friend recommend that after a difficult surgery or after spending long hours in a hospital that I should meditate to relax. I’d laughed at the idea at first, but it worked very well.
Only the vision wasn’t of my usual Caribbean Island. Instead, it was the beaches of Corfu.
Being here made me nervous and that wasn’t fair to Christos and his family.
A slight click and a moment of fear washed in. “I’m sorry. I’m just leaving.”
“No, you’re not.” Christos’ evil grin had returned and he closed the door behind him, crowding my space.
“It’s too small for the both of us,” I told him in the mirror.
“That’s not what you said last night.” The man could turn from playful to sexual in the blink of an eye.
“Oh, no, you don’t. You do remember you have a speech to give. Right?”
He pushed his groin against my bottom, immediately placing his hands on the marble counter. “We have a few minutes.”
“We, huh?”
“I can’t do this by myself.”
“You mean the five-knuckle shuffle?” I couldn’t keep from laughing when I saw his expression. Since he was clean shaven, it was the first time I’d noticed how deep his dimples were.
“Why would a man need any self-pleasure when he has such a delicious treat right in front of him?”