“How horrible for all of you.”
“Just a matter of practice like cleaning house. Information is more powerful than money or weapons.”
Why were his words troubling me so much?
“A perfect day.”
“You don’t appear happy,” Christos said as we walked through the gardens at the edge of the property.
“How could I not be happy?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps you’re missing your family,” he said.
I laughed and took a sip of my champagne. The first glass had gone down too easily. “I miss my sister, but I’m certain she’s having an amazing time playing with Magnum. Her apartment won’t allow pets, so she gets her fix every time she comes to my place. Complete with a bag full of toys for my fur baby. As if he’s not spoiled enough.”
“I would love to meet him. From what you’ve told me, my bet is he will remind me of the dog the four of us had as children.”
“What was his name?”
“Tony. No laughing. He was named after a cousin who died as a young child. The pup was wild and we adored him.”
I could tell the memory was bittersweet. “Pets have a way of reminding you what’s most important in life. That’s what Magnum did for me.”
“What about your mom and dad? Are you close with them?”
“To a point. The Senate is in session. I haven’t seen him in months. Mom is so busy at the shelter; we caught lunch two months ago. That’s the way of the modern family, I’m afraid.”
“Your father is a busy man.”
I tipped my head in his direction. “He is. He’s also on several committees and enjoys attending various fundraisers. That’s at least one thing my parents have in common and enjoy together.”
“What do you know about his work?” He stopped walking altogether.
“Are you getting at something?” The questions were starting to trouble me especially given how the Don had acted.
Christos huffed. “I don’t know your father. Why would I be getting at anything? Just a question.”
“Because I know you. I know when you’re digging for information. I’ve seen you in action.”
“Don’t be so suspicious. I was merely trying to learn more about what makes the woman tick.”
“Uh-huh. There’s nothing exciting to tell you and my father had little to do with shaping my life. He barely acknowledged the fact I was studying to become a surgeon.”
“Did he have his heart set on your following in his footsteps?”
“I think he knew better. I’m far more liberal than he is.”
His eyes twinkled. “I’m glad to hear that since the Nomikos clan is far removed from traditional society.”
“I don’t know. What I’ve seen while I’m here would indicate your family is like everyone else. A little wacky, but full of love.”
He wrapped his arm around me, swinging me around in a circle. “I’m glad to hear you say that. If you hadn’t, I’d be forced to ask you to leave.”
“Would you do that?”
“You don’t want to push me,o ángelós mou.”
How many times had he called me his angel? As he continued the impromptu dance, ending with dipping me as he’d done at the club, I allowed myself to laugh. Why was it I felt more than just a slice of tension? We’d had an incredible night of passion and doing nothing but holding each other. We hadn’t really talked, just simply enjoying the time spent together.