Page 73 of The Enforcer

There was nothing more beautiful than seeing two people so obviously in love getting married. While I’d never truly believed in marriage, watching Havros and Kara as they exchanged the very personal vows they’d written had brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t seem to stop watching them as the flitted through the guests, every few seconds returning to each other for a kiss or for Havros to whisper something in Kara’s ear.

The sight was sensational, yet not something I’d ever envisioned.

The day remained perfect for the ceremony and photographs. With the scent of flowers wafting from one end of the property to the other and the twinkling lights sparkling in every corner, the setting couldn’t have been more beautiful. There were tables of food, and three separate bars including one side of the house. A makeshift platform had been placed on one corner of theproperty for dancing and the floor was already taken with guests laughing and grinding to the music.

The string quartet providing music for the ceremony had shifted to a talented DJ playing both classics and some of the latest pop hits. Tables were mounded full of presents, foil wrapping and huge bows creating artful centerpieces.

Everything was exquisite, yet so… normal.

“Dr. Laurant.” When a man approached me, I was startled until I realized it was one of the guests, the Italian Don I’d seen Christos talking with earlier. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to startle you. A stunning woman such as yourself should never be standing alone.”

“How do you know my name?” My guess was he’d perused both the Greek and New York news. Willow had tipped me off about the pictures in front of Club Scandal. While I’d yet to see them, the thought they were in existence brought another level of angst into my mind. A part of me anticipated getting a call from the hospital administrator telling me I’d lost my job.

“I know everything about you.” My face likely registered concern because he laughed. “From Christos. He told me you were a very special person in his life. I assume so since you saved his life.”

I was correct in my assumptions. He, like seemingly so many others, had read the article from days before. “Yes, well, he was very lucky.”

“To have found you. Or perhaps it’s the other way around.”

“I’m not certain what you’re getting at.” Although I had an idea. He was trying to insinuate that I’d purposely selected Christos as my patient. I didn’t appreciate being accused of somethingI had no understanding of, but I did my best to keep my cool. Now wasn’t the time to make waves, as Christos had reminded me. I didn’t understand his world and even with the happiness I’d experienced by being around his family, I was beginning to believe I didn’t want to learn much more.

“Again, I apologize. I’m not insinuating anything. However, sometimes I do find fate a fascinating beast.” He was grinning, studying my eyes as if searching for additional information.

“I wish I could choose which patients arrive in my emergency room bloody and full of lead. But I sadly can’t.” Yes, I had an edge to my voice.

Which the Don caught.

“I didn’t mean to insult you, Doctor. I admire your capabilities and would hope if I my son was near death there’d be someone like you to save him. Christos is a lucky man.”

“Thank you.” I wasn’t certain I meant that.

“Don Coppola,” someone called from a few feet away and I was honestly grateful for the interruption. I wasn’t particularly good at playing politics when attending events where my father was a guest. This was much worse.

“If you’ll excuse me. I need to make the rounds.” Don Coppola squeezed my hand. “Oh, one more thing. This world is far more dangerous than you understand. I suggest you contemplate that prior to determining whether you plan on staying in Greece.”

He wasn’t interested in offering a platform to reply, moving away quickly. I took a deep breath, feeling rattled. It had felt as if the man had just issued a threat.

“What was that about?” Christos asked from behind me. The tone of his voice sent penetrating shivers down my spine.

“I don’t know exactly.”

“What does that mean?”

“Just that he acted as if he knew me. He certainly knew I’d saved your life.”

“A man like Leonardo Coppola has every guest checked prior to any event he attends. He has far too much to lose.”

“Plus, you ensured everyone knew about our connection. Was that on purpose?”

“As I’ve told you before. There is much to lose, yet also possibly significant gains.”

“You’re very cryptic today,” I told him.

“There are times it’s necessary. Especially when others could be listening in on private conversations.” He kissed my cheek and the action was almost chaste. “We’ll talk more later, I promise.”

As I wondered if that was true, I nodded and watched as he greeted Kara, pulling her hand to his lips to kiss. The view caused a few squirmy feelings in my stomach and that didn’t make any sense. “I guess you’re right. Did your father supply the guest list?”

“I’m certain he did. We’ve never attended a wedding outside the family where the guest register wasn’t run through our computer systems. It’s a method of staying alive.”