Page 71 of The Enforcer

“Now, do you mind if I introduce Valencia to some of our guests?” I still marveled at my mother’s ability to keep the dangerous aspect of the life we lived from invading her home. Her domain.

“Go.Thymitheíte, den eínai kalesméni allá oikogéneia.”

As always, my mother was able to cut through any bullshit. “I’m aware, Mother. Come, my doctor friend.” I waited as Valencia removed her apron, smoothing down her dress.

When I took her by the arm, she gave one last fleeting glance into the kitchen. “What did she say?”

“Oh, just a reminder you weren’t a guest, but family.”

She said nothing as we headed through the house, using the arched French doors in the living room to head outside. “I like your family,” she said almost as if she hadn’t been certain up to this point.

“And they like you.”

Before we made it off the deck, Valencia turned toward me, placing her hand on my arm. “Just remember that I have a life.”

“I will never forget, my angel. For today, just try and enjoy yourself. As much as a wedding will allow.” I laughed as I escorted her down the stairs. Almost immediately Don Coppolacould be seen mingling with the guests, the woman on his arm at least half his age. I guided Valencia to a seat, remaining by her side as I scanned the guests who’d already arrived.

“Who is the man exciting the guests?” she asked.

“Don Coppola of Sicily. Will you be alright if I spent a moment with him?”

“Of course.”

I squeezed her arm and headed toward the man, remaining off to the side until he noticed my arrival.

“Excuse me,” he said politely to a group of people, immediately heading in my direction. “Sophia. Will you be so kind as to get your old man a drink?”

“Of course, Daddy.” The young woman smiled, giving me a onceover that couldn’t be mistaken.

“That’s your daughter?” I asked after she’d left.

“Oh, come now, Christos. I’m an old man. What would I do with a young woman in my bed? Besides, I love my wife. Unfortunately, she became ill just this morning. I asked my daughter to take her place. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Have you spoken to my father?”

“Only briefly. He is a busy man with his son getting married.” Leonardo laughed. “Family is the most important weapon a man can have. Never allow anyone to tell you otherwise.”

“That sounds like my father.”

“A wise man. You know. Sophia is very single and a marriage of our two powerful families would be a great honor.”

Don Coppola never did anything without a reason. “While I am honored by your belief in me, I must tell you that I’m taken.” I shifted my weight, nodding toward Valencia.

He turned his head in the lovely doctor’s direction. “Ah, the woman who saved your life. Of course. Wise choice.”

“You’re aware of her heroic efforts.” I was instantly on edge.

“Few in our world are unaware of something so noble. I must tell you that your family has attracted significant attention over these last months.”

“How so, Don Coppola?”

As Sophia returned, he held back his comment, telling her in Italian to enjoy herself while we spoke. It became obvious to me by the look she gave me that she’d been told to flirt. And to garner my full attention. What was the Don up to at this point?

Unlike my father, I trusted no one, certainly not in the world where criminals ruled trade, commerce, exports, and weapons. Illegal drugs were something else altogether and we were finally done with dispensing them like candy.

Too many people had died when other less scrupulous criminals had laced our high-quality products with garbage, including rat poison. However, now being on the cusp of becoming the world’s export leader in the diamond industry, new and even more ruthless piranhas had begun to slither from their dark hiding places.

He made certain no one was paying attention to our conversation. “I don’t need to remind you how many organizations would love to claim the title of diamond king.”