“Don’t listen to my mother. They don’t always know best.”
“This is absolutely exquisite. The house. The lighting. The location,” I told him as we walked along the water’s edge. I hadn’t known what to expect when going shopping. Other than a dress for the wedding, I’d been stymied what to purchase. Thank God, an incredible store clerk had told me about Corfu and what the weather would be like. I’d purchased and packed accordingly.
“My parents immediately fell in love with the place over forty years ago. They’ve done so much with it, adding the guest cottages and renovating the main house. There’s even a dance studio over one of the private garages. We used to come here for every holiday.” Christos was more at ease than he’d been even inside his villa. This was his parents’ home and his entire immediate family was here with him.
It was good to see him relaxed. I hadn’t believed that was possible.
“Your mother is amazing. She’s tough just like you said, but only wants the best for her family.”
“She is feisty. She truly runs the house and my father. She had a hand in his business as well. Never believe that men are truly in charge, she once told me.”
“Smart lady.”
“You have no idea. She’s been the rock for years. I only saw her falter once when my brother was murdered. I truly thought she’d lost her spirit. Wait until you meet the babies. I don’t know how my brothers survived changing diapers and the lack of sleep. But they love every minute of being fathers.”
“Babies. Jesus. I can’t even imagine.”
“I don’t think either one of my brothers did either, but they dote on the little boys. It’s been interesting.”
“Where’s your dad? I’ve just seen fleeting glances of him.”
“He’ll be around. Don’t worry. You’ll need to get used to him as well. He’s still handling far too much of the business as far as we are concerned, but it keeps him young.”
We continued walking. In one hand I had my high heels, in the other a glass of wine. The sun was just beginning to set and the water was calm, lapping over our feet as we walked.
“I’m curious. Why did you change your mind? I’m glad you did; letting you go was very difficult.”
“You had me followed. Didn’t you?”
“I guess my men aren’t as good at their jobs as I believed. But yes. I was nervous something would happen to you. I still am.”
I thought about his question. “I’ve told you before. I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. However, to answer your questions. I thought about what you said for hours. I haven’t really been living. Don’t get me wrong. I love my job. There’s nothing like the feeling of helping, saving people. Especially when you get to tell a loved one their father, mother, wife, husband, or even their child will be fine. It’s the best feeling in the world. Maybe I wanted to escape my life for just a little while.”
“Then why haven’t you been living?”
“I think because when my sister and I were kids, our father was very overprotective. After he received a death threat, he hired guards to protect us. That meant we were driven to school and trips even out to the mall were discouraged or we were forced to have the bodyguard following us. It was suffocating. I thought it was cool at the time, but as I got older, I found ways of escaping the house. I felt freedom. And for some reason, being with you offered that same sense of myself I haven’t felt in a long time.”
“Because you’re so disciplined,” he said quietly. I would have never thought the man could be such a good listener.
I was wrong about a lot of things with him. “Yes. I was always that way in school and it followed me through my life.”
“And men?”
Laughter bubbled to the surface. “I’ve dated. I was involved seriously once, but the guy couldn’t handle my tough schedule when I entered the residency program. He tried to make me choose between him and my profession. I weighed the pros and cons of both and tossed him out.”
“Ouch.” His laughter sent a little thrill right through me.
“He wasn’t worth the argument or my time. Not that the horrible things he said to me didn’t hurt. Trust me, I was devastated for a couple months. Then I found respite in working with animals when I could, which isn’t often enough. My mother thrives in caring about animals. I think that’s why she hasn’t killed my father yet.”
“My father finally realized that keeping my mother happy was in his best interest.”
“Good idea.”
“I’m glad you came. As I said, letting you go was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve made.”