Page 61 of The Enforcer

I tipped my head toward my oldest brother. “I thought we were waiting.”

“Waiting isn’t getting us anywhere.”

That was true enough. The quiet and lack of threats was driving all of us crazy. But we’d learned that patience could be a true virtue a year before. We’d even made a pledge we would never overreact.

We would see how long that would last.

“Incidentally,” Dimitrios said after walking toward one of the tables and grabbing a newspaper. My father insisted on having the paper versions come to the house in Corfu when they spent time in the location. As soon as Dimitrios lifted his head in my direction, I grimaced. “Has the playboy finally been captured? That’s the headline.”

“Here we go,” Havros teased.

Dimitrios cleared his throat. “Milan was thrilled and excited for the opening of Club Scandal, a long-anticipated dance floor in the heart of the city. In attendance were several politicians, musicians, artists, and actors from various countries makingfor a festive evening. However, the most exciting aspect of the evening was the arrival of mogul and part club owner, Christos Nomikos and his companion, Dr. Valencia Laurant, who held his rapt attention. When asked if she was his fiancée, he was happy to admit she was someone very special in his life. Dr. Laurant was also the surgeon responsible for saving his life after a horrendous shooting in New York. While the case is still under investigation, it would appear the incident, which left several dead, was gang or mafia related.”

Well, fuck.

Dimitrios tossed the paper. “So much for laying low. Did you invite the reporters?”

“It was inevitable they came. You know that,” I answered.

“Yes, but there’s a reason for the private entrance. Why not use it?”

Shrugging, I knew I’d been playing a game of Russian roulette, but it seemed a perfect choice for bringing the person responsible for our difficulties into the light. “I thought it prudent.”

“Is Valencia aware you used her and in doing so, you placed a target on her head?” Havros asked.

“She’s an intelligent woman.” My answer was trite as well as incomplete and my brothers knew it.

“I also learned there’s an article in theNew York Timesabout the incident.” Dimitrios didn’t seem angry, just confused.

“Yes, which I had nothing to do with and didn’t know about it until a few days ago.”

“You should have mentioned it earlier.”

I nodded to my boss, my body tensing. “She’ll be safe in New York.”

“Are you certain about that?” Havros snarked.

“Are you going on a honeymoon?” I wasn’t interested in continuing with the conversation about Valencia.

Havros shook his head. “What a way to deflect the conversation. Yeah, for a couple days. An undisclosed island.”

“You’re not telling us?” Dimitrios chided.

“Hell, no. You’ll blab it to Kara in like ten minutes. Not a chance, buddy.”

We all laughed and while it felt good to be surrounded by family, it also made me realize how lonely I had become over the years. It wasn’t like me to be envious of anyone but with the few days spent with Valencia, I’d grown used to having someone around me. Was it a sin to want more of it?

We heard footsteps and I half expected it to be our father, sent by our mother of course to remind us of the time. While she’d hired a caterer to prepare and serve a fabulous meal, she’d driven the people crazy trying to assure that everything was just so. The house, surrounding buildings, and grounds of our parents’ estate in Corfu had never looked so festive.

Lights had been strung everywhere. There wasn’t a tree, plant, or building that wasn’t covered with sparkling twinklers. One would think it was Christmas instead of a wedding.

When Elias walked in, there wasn’t a single one of us who didn’t shift on edge.

“What is it?” I asked a little more gruffly than I’d intended.

“You have a visitor who insists on seeing you.” Elias wore no expression.

Sighing, I realized the last thing I wanted was to chat with anyone. “Who the fuck would just be stopping by? I thought you knew to push anyone who tried away. This is a family affair.”