Page 60 of The Enforcer

“This isn’t a forever kind of thing.”

“Maybe not, but if you get on that plane you’ll never know. You’ll ask yourself about a million times what could have happened had you gone to a wedding. And you’ll never forgive yourself for not finding out.”

“My luggage is already on the plane.”

She huffed. “You have a carryon that has most of your important essentials. Buy the rest. Treat yourself, for God’s sake. You don’t spend any money on yourself ever. Call this a needed vacation with a fabulous twist. The hospital can get along without you for a few days. A week. Hell, make it two.”

I wanted so much to break free from the armor that I’d used to both keep me protected and hold myself accountable for my wonderful career. I’d worked so hard to get where I was today. I just didn’t think I could risk everything for a fling that could blow up in my face.

I’d thought about the reasons things could go south. While anyone outside of the hospital’s purview wasn’t controlled, the board and the administrator were extremely conservative. The article had likely already done some damage. That was another reason to return to ensure I still had a job. They could makemy life miserable if they knew I’d spent a single night with a mobster. A weekend would blow their minds.

“Last call for boarding for flight 729 to New York City.”

“It’s now or never, bestie. What’s it going to be?” Emily asked.

I allowed the sweet memories of the joy and passion I’d shared with Christos to flow through my mind before I knew what I needed to do. “Let’s go, Em. I need to get home.”



“This smells far too similar to the shit we had with the Italians before,” Dimitrios growled.

“True, but there’s no evidence the American who tried to kill you works for anyone.”

I studied Havros. The rehearsal dinner started in just over an hour and he was talking shop. “But as we agreed, there is no proof of anything and it’s far too coincidental that President Marino was shot.”

“Perhaps,” Dimitrios agreed. “However, we can’t rest on our laurels. We need to stay sharp, which is why I’ve had additional guards posted during the reception.”

Havros sighed. “Kara is going to flip.”

“She’ll understand. Women have an uncanny ability of accepting the situations around them,” I shared.

He grinned. “You mean like the woman who continues to be on your mind?”

“Who are you talking about?” I snapped and instantly regretted doing so. They could read me like a damn book.

“Did the lovely doctor really leave on the return flight?” Dimitrios wore the same grin as my other brother.

“She checked in. So yes. She left.” The ache remained. I’d honored her request, but had almost failed in doing so. I’d had a couple of men shadow her the entire time. A part of me had wanted to do it myself. If I had gone, she’d be standing here with me.

Damn it.

“Why did you allow her to leave, brother?” Havros wasn’t going to let this go.

“Because I respect her need and desire to return to her life. And the last time I checked, I wasn’t into kidnapping.”

Both my brothers looked at each other, chuckling as if a private joke had been shared.

“Sometimes circumstances call for taking stronger actions.” Dimitrios lifted his glass in a salute that I wasn’t certain I wanted any part of. He’d all but kidnapped Willow when he’d believed she had something to do with Leandro’s murder. Kara had been determined to interview a family member for a series of articles she’d been writing on crime syndicates of the world.

When she met Havros, there was chemistry, but it hadn’t been love at first sight. In the end, she’d almost gotten herself killed. At least with a network picking up her idea for a biopic, she’d become a celebrity in her own right.

And had fallen hopelessly in love with my brother. But there’d been a time he’d held her against her will. For safety purposes. I snorted at the thought. That wouldn’t fly with a woman like Valencia.

“Maybe so, but not in this case,” I admitted. All I’d been doing was thinking about her when I should have been concentrating on hunting down the informant in New York who’d sold us out.

“You can always return to New York. In fact, that might be prudent in the upcoming weeks.”