Page 6 of The Enforcer

It wasn’t in my mindset to cause chaos or violence, but I’d do so if necessary across the board. This was merely a stopgap as well as a warning.

Or so I hoped.

With Marinos pulling the SUV to the curb, I took a few seconds to search the surrounding area. While New York was usually buzzing at all hours of the day and night, the small corner bar was nestled in the heart of Brooklyn and it was a Sunday night. That provided a less complicated location for me to provide the warning.

Marinos remained by the car, keeping watch on the street. Both Elias and Luca headed inside the bar, keeping my back covered.

I was headed out in the morning, returning to Athens. That would allow Jeff and his crew some time to think about my offer and what it would potentially mean if he caved to the Laborers’ Union. I was eager to return home. Business was booming and there was far too much to tend to.

There was a single bartender behind the bar, the late hour allowing for him to begin the process of wiping down glasses and righting bottles on the shelf. There were only two other customers other than the target. Luck seemed on our side.

The moment we walked in, I merely nodded first to the bartender then moved toward the back hallway easily seen from the front door. He’d obviously been through something like this before, but when he dared shift his hand under the bar, Elias was quick to react.

With a weapon pointed at the man’s head, the bartender lifted his arms, backing away.

I moved to the couple sitting at a table, peering down at them. “I suggest you leave. You don’t need the entertainment for the night.”

“We haven’t paid our tab,” the young man croaked.

“I assure you that I’ll take care of that for you.” I kept a smile on my face even as our intended target tried to slip out the back door. Luca caught him, dragging him by the collar of his jacket toward us.

The young couple was smart enough to leave without being told twice. Something I almost never did. Second chances weren’t in my vocabulary. There was a time when I hadn’t gravitated toward being the Enforcer, the man in the empire responsible for handling any difficulties. I’d wanted more for my life. Sadly, with the murder of my younger brother, I’d begun to see the light. There was no way of avoiding who and what I was.

Now it was a role I took seriously.

I watched the young couple in love as they scampered from the bar. At least the young man was protective of her, keeping his arm wrapped around the girl’s shoulders while constantly scanning his surroundings. Someone had taught him manners and common sense.

Both rare attributes these days.

I took my time, unbuttoning my jacket and sliding my hands into my trouser pockets before turning around. Luca had shoved the man back onto a stool, pushing away the guy’s beer so he wouldn’t be tempted to use the bottle as a weapon.

That would only get him killed.

“Ricky Malone.” I made his name a statement. I knew exactly who he was. While considered lower level in the workplace, he had a special place in Jeff’s heart as the man’s nephew. I walked closer, and he was already having a difficult time swallowing.

“Yes, sir.”

Sir. I was even more impressed. “So you know who I am?”

“Yes, sir. Christos Nomikos.”

“Excellent. Then you know both what I’m capable of and why I’m here. Correct?”

“I… I don’t know why you’re here, with me I mean. I don’t make the executive decisions.”

“No, but your uncle does.”

“Yes.” The kid was already putting the pieces together.

I patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Ricky. I’m not going to kill you. That’s would solve nothing.” I pulled out a barstool, placing my boot on the lower rung. “However, I need to send a message to your uncle and I was trying to figure out what would get his attention. Then I remembered you worked at his firm.”

Ricky darted his eyes to my two men. He was now shaking.

“Before we get to the meat of our discussion, do you know if Kenneth Baker has made threats to your uncle and his partners?”

He seemed confused by the question. “They’re friends, sir. I don’t think so, but my uncle doesn’t keep me in the loop with aspects on the executive level.”

I glanced at Elias, who was making certain the bartender didn’t attempt to make a phone call to the police. Friends. That held entirely different connotations. “Friends. I see. Well, don’t sweat it. Now, you’re going to do something for me.”