Why should I reconsider what I’d already considered about three dozen times? Why was I even thinking about taking Christos up on his offer? Because I was a glutton for punishment. That’s why. No, maybe I was still lost in a haze of sex. My body was still aching even after a full day.
It was possible he’d changed me and altered my way of thinking forever just by the way he’d talked to me. And fucked me. Was that possible?
We’d spent the night talking and making love, drinking wine and eating cheese in bed. We’d lounged on the new couch, breaking it in, which had tickled him to death.
He’d insisted we go for a swim right before the sun crested over the horizon.
Then he’d made me breakfast before allowing me to borrow a tee shirt and shorts so I could return to the hotel in something other than the magnificent dress.
We’d said goodbye and I’d half expected him to show up last night. The honest truth was that I’d hoped that he would, begging me to reconsider what I’d told him at his villa.
But he hadn’t showed.
Had he been honoring my request that he allow me some space? I don’t know, but I’d hungered for him all night. Should I call him?
Should I miss him?
Should I simply forget him? I wasn’t certain of the right protocol or even what I felt. Except empty. I’d never felt so utterly empty in my entire life.
I felt movement next to me, but didn’t understand a thing the female voice was saying. Maybe because I was so lost in the haze, I couldn’t think straight about anything.
When something dropped right in front of me, I was so startled I had to slap my hand across my mouth to keep from yelping.
“Earth to my best friend. We’re boarding.” Emily had a strange little voice as she stared at me.
“You know. We’re flying back to the States today. Remember?”
“I…” Wow. I had to scan the perimeter to realize she was telling me the truth. “Oh, shit. I was zoning off.”
“Oh, shit is right. Come on or we won’t make the flight. You told me like fifty times you wanted to return home.”
Yes, I had.
I remained right where I was. If I left, I was never coming back. I’d seen the look on Christos’ face when I’d flat out told him I was leaving. He’d been angry at first. But there had been sadness as well. He hadn’t attempted to talk me out of it. In fact, he’d said little as he drove me back to the hotel. But the kiss before I’d left his car had been the most telling statement.
He would find a way to capture me. We both knew it. I almost laughed and knew I was running out of time.
After that, I sensed I was being watched. Protected. Even on the drive here today, I knew a vehicle had followed us all the way to the airport. A significant part of me had wanted him to race into the terminal, begging me not to go.
But he wasn’t here.
“It’s him,” Em said.
“Yes.” Why deny it?
“You told me you’d made up your mind.”
I stood, hating the fact I was so uncertain. I’d never hesitated to this degree about anything in my life, especially important decisions. While staying for a couple of extra days wasn’t altering the remainder of my life, it could prove to be a catalyst that I couldn’t walk away from again.
“I had. Don’t say it. I know you’ve never seen me like this before.”
Emily grinned. “You mean head over heels in lust with someone?”
Thank God she hadn’t used the word love. I didn’t love him. I wasn’t that puppy dog sick or naïve, but… I did care about him. “It’s ridiculous.”
She gripped my arm. “Since I’ve known you, I’ve never seen such light and life in your eyes. You should see yourself. It’s like you’ve been reborn. I know how much you love your job and the people you work with. I totally get how into Magnum you are as he’s a great dog, but you need someone special in your life.”