There was a distinct chill in the air, the light breeze floating strains of music from an unknown source. I was shivering, but I’d already admitted to myself it was from fear, not the cold.
I’d seen his reaction when Elias had said something to him on the dance floor. I’d felt the pressure and the anxiety that had rushed into him. I’d also sensed his protectiveness in the way he’d grabbed my arm. For some reason, I rubbed the spot as if he’d bruised me. He hadn’t.
I was standing barefoot, still in the glorious dress that fit me like a glove. He’d known my size and that had amazed me. I don’t know why. He seemed to know far too many things about me.
Christos had ripped off his jacket as soon as we’d arrived, yanking his tie with so much force that I thought he was going to go into a rage. Yet I’d stood where I was, watching as he’d removed his diamond cufflinks, rolling up his sleeves and exposing the ink I’d never asked him about. Now I really wanted to, which was ridiculous. I had no idea what was going on or if I’d be allowed to return to my hotel or to my life and I was curious about his goddamn tattoos.
When I felt his presence, I tried my best to bristle as the only reaction to him.
But I failed. Miserably. Instantly, my panties were damp, the rush of vibrations exactly as it had been before. Perhaps even more so. God. Why did I find him so attractive?
“You’re not my prisoner,” he said as he crowded my space behind me.
I was starting to hate my body’s reaction to him, the feel of thousands of tiny prickles of heat tickling every inch of my skin. “That means I’m free to go?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“There’s no middle ground here, Christos. I’m either your prisoner or I can leave. Which is it?”
I dared not turn around for fear I’d get lost in his eyes all over again. He eased his arm around me, holding out a glass of wine in his hand.
“Drink this.”
“I prefer something stronger.”
The wineglass was instantly replaced with a glass of amber liquid. I accepted it, managing to keep our fingers from touching.
“To answer your question, until I determine if there is a safety issue, I won’t take you to the hotel. It’s possible my enemies have bought that I’m still staying at the hotel.”
I couldn’t help myself, turning around so I could look him directly in the eyes. “Your enemies. How many do you have?”
“A number of them.” He acted comfortable, sitting down in one of the chairs. His massive body sank into the cushions and he crossed his legs as if nothing was wrong.
“What happened tonight to make you leave your own party?”
“The Italian president was shot on the way to the club.”
His frankness surprised me, but not as much as the information. “Elias believed you could be next on the list.”
He took a drink of the wine he’d offered. “Yes.”
“Does that happen often?” I had no clue what to ask at this point.
“It can. But not often.”
“Yet you’re fearful of letting me go stay in my own hotel room.”
Christos took his time studying me before uncrossing his legs and leaning his elbows on his knees. “You’ve been seen with me. Perhaps even last night. You’re certainly known as my savior in New York. Given that I brought you to the club, that would indicate we’re in a relationship. Generally, I don’t give a shit about the photographs that are taken or what’s spouted off about how I spend my time, but I refuse to risk your life based on the world I was born into.”
“In other words, since there will be people who think you actually give a damn about me, I’ve become a liability, a weakness to be exploited.” Now I needed a gulp of the drink. The liquid burned the back of my throat.
“Unfortunately, yes. That’s the way of my world and why I’m extremely cautious.”
“I don’t think I like your world very much. You were ambushed in New York. Right?”
“Let’s just say I had a disagreement with someone from the Laborers’ Union. He didn’t like my method of doing business and I didn’t enjoy his arrogant attitude. It’s possible the article written in theTimeswas meant to antagonize me.”
“Or it might have been a subscription grabbing story.”