Page 49 of The Enforcer

“Hmmm… I’m bored. What do you suggest?”

“Do I look like your entertainment director?”

I took a step away, acting as if I was sizing her up. “I can see that working. Looking for a job?”

She walked around the table, grabbing my hand as well as her purse, sliding the slender strap over her shoulder. “I think I can fix this.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I guess you’re just going to need to trust me. Can you do that?”

“I don’t know. You do scare me.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Come on; you can’t back out.”

I tugged on her purse. “Are you planning an escape attempt?”

“Never put anything past me.” She backed away, even blowing me a kiss.

Laughing, I moved toward her, refusing to allow her out of my sight.

She led us down the stairs, only once throwing her head over her shoulder to glare at Elias.

When she led me to the dance floor, I stiffened and she immediately sensed it, turning around to face me. Now she gripped both my hands with hers.

“You aren’t afraid, are you?” she cooed just loudly enough for me to hear.

“I’m not afraid of anything, sexy lady.”

“I bet you are. Let’s see what you can do.” She led me to the deepest part of the dance floor, immediately throwing her arms over my shoulders.

She seemed surprised I could dance at all, her eyes bright with surprise.

“What?” I teased.

“You can dance. Here I thought you had two left feet.”

The woman allowed me to laugh more than I was used to. I swung her around the dance floor, shifting into various salsa moves. It felt good to dance. I hadn’t done so in a long time. The song was perfect for the heated movements and she followed mine with ease, obviously having spent more time inside a club than she’d let on.

When I yanked her against me during the crescendo of a particularly heavy drumbeat, I stopped us moving altogether.

She was breathless, but her condition had nothing to do with the virile actions. I narrowed my eyes as she dragged her tongue across her bottom lip and I had the lingering desire to bite down on her mouth. As usual, I was impacted by the chemistry we shared and hungered to run my fingers down from her face to her toes before fucking her.

“You’re very good,” she murmured. “At dancing.” She laughed softly as if able to read my mind.

I wouldn’t put it past her. She seemed to have an innate intuition about me even some of my family didn’t share.

“You’re the perfect partner.” I twirled her again, the new song even more provocative.

“Why is that?”

“Because you bask in the throes of excitement.” While the lights were incapable of allowing me to see for certain, I could feel the heat rising in her face.

“Safe excitement.”

Her terse words could always make me laugh.

By the time the fourth song spun its way into a tribal beat, the entire dance floor was packed, the heat from the crowd adding to the explosive sensations between Valencia and me.