I turned to him fully, even taking his hand into mine. “I don’t think you’re the kind of man who will keep me against my will. No, I don’t know you, not really, but I can see kindness in your eyes.”
He half snorted. “You don’t know me very well. Why don’t we talk about this later? We’re almost at the club.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Christos.”
“You don’t trust me.”
“I don’t know you and you don’t know me. What we’ve shared is amazing. I’ve never been made to feel like I’m so special to someone else. But this can’t go anywhere. Think about it. Really think about it.” I noticed a crowd in the distance and realized we wouldn’t finish this conversation. At least not now.
I wasn’t scared of him in any way, but I was terrified if this went any further, I wouldn’t find the resolve to break free. That just couldn’t happen.
He reached over, wrapping his hand around the side of my neck. “You don’t understand me very well, but at some point, you will. I don’t want you to go, at least not now. You’ve become far too important to me. Just enjoy being at the club and know there’s no one else I’d rather spend an evening with.”
“Just promise me you won’t send my things to your villa unless I give my permission.”
He took a deep breath, studying me for a few seconds. I suddenly felt confined, uncertain how he would respond and that annoyed me. “I will do my best to keep that promise, angel.”
His best. He wasn’t used to anyone telling him no.
There was no denying the man or our intense chemistry, but I was determined that if I didn’t end this now, life in New York would become difficult. I had my work and my family to think about, including my beautiful puppy. No man was worth losing everything I’d worked so hard to achieve.
Maybe if I reminded myself of that a few more times, I’d finally start to believe it.
While I sensed his sincerity, I was committed to returning to my life. Passion was wonderful, the feeling of being alive everything I’d craved, yet he wasn’t going to change and neither was I.
As soon as the limousine pulled up in front of the club, men and women with cameras crowded the vehicle, videos being taken from cellphones and members of the press. I was instantly overwhelmed. Even with my father’s job and the various state dinners I’d attended, nothing had prepared me for the suffocating feeling.
Both Luca and Elias erupted from two doors, immediately driving the crowd away by several feet. The chauffeur got out, immediately opening the door so Christos could exit. He did so with flair, taking the time to button his jacket and smiling as if the spectacle didn’t matter to him. He was used to being in the limelight.
I wasn’t.
I shrank back in the seat, taking shallow breaths as I tried to prepare myself for the onslaught of people. He bent down, peering at me with the same sly smile on his face I’d seen countless times.
“Are you ready, Dr. Laurant?”
“I guess.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be right by your side.”
Why was it that for some reason I feared that more than what I’d soon experience? The moment our fingers touched, I was drawn into his world. If only for one night. The electricity soared as my heart continuously thudded in my chest. If I managed to get through the evening without having a panic attack, I’d give myself kudos.
This wasn’t my life. Not in any way.
Yet I managed to plaster on a smile as he pulled me from the limo, immediately placing his hand on the small of my back.
“Mr. Nomikos. How does it feel to open another club?”
“Mr. Nomikos, are there plans to build additional clubs in Milan?”
“Mr. Nomikos. Who is your companion? Is she your girlfriend?”
The questions were tossed out from all sides while the music pumped loudly from the open doors leading inside the club. There were velvet ropes lining both sides, two rugged-looking men in suits guarding the door. Invitations were being checked and already I noticed people had been sent away, some screaming at not being allowed entrance.
I was overwhelmed, but held my own, even managing to turn my head from left to right as an unknown person got in my face with a camera. Meanwhile, my stomach was in knots. Christos wasn’t rushed, taking his time moving through the crowd as his two men flanked our sides, keeping most at a secure distance.
We inched closer to the door, the pumping vibes almost tribal in nature. I could already see lights in vibrant colors flashing from inside the club.
“Mr. Nomikos. Are we to assume this woman is special in your life?” One reporter with a heavy Italian accent jumped in front of both of us.