Page 42 of The Enforcer

As I returned from the bathroom, I also noticed a bottle of wine with two glasses and roses similar to the ones he’d sent me in New York.

Emily followed my line of sight. “I don’t know what to think, but either you’re one lucky girl or you really need to be worried.”

At this point, I thought I knew myself well enough to realize when I shouldn’t be involved in something. Right now, I felt way too much excitement. “He’s not what you think he is.”

“I think he is obsessed with you.”

“He’s just trying to thank me for saving him.”

She dropped the items she’d been holding onto the bed. “Look, I’m no fool here. You spent the night with him because you wanted to. Right?”

A wash of heat rushed to my cheeks. “I’ve never done anything so impulsive in my life.”

“But you enjoyed yourself.”


“Why?” I could see the little evil look on her face. She could easily detect a lie from thirty feet away.

The moment I allowed images of his face to enter my mind, my heart did flutters just as it had done the night before. “He’s funny, more so than I would have thought. He’s a gentleman, but you gather a sense if anyone had dared try and touch me, he would have cut their hand off. He’s romantic, although I don’t think he’s needed to ply another woman with roses before. He knows wine and the best foods, but doesn’t mind talking about working with his hands. And he’s an impeccable dresser.”

“What about without the clothes?” Her eyebrows were lifted high, the smile more of a smirk.

Damn the woman. Just thinking about him had me hot and bothered. “Let’s just say he’s the best-looking man alive.”

She sighed. “You’re always the lucky one.”

“I just don’t know what to think. He’s also… overwhelming. Dominating.”

“There’s nothing wrong with dominating men as long as they don’t force a woman to do anything against their will. Which I take wasn’t the case.” She had a sly smile on her face. “Plus,you’re going to a public club dressed like a queen. From the buzz I heard, the club is hot right now. Locals and tourists alike can’t wait to have a chance to go. You’ll have fun. Then you can decide if you want to see him again.”

“It might not be that easy.”


I walked toward her, gingerly placing the dress on the bed and running my fingers down the eloquent beads. “He wants me to stay with him.”

“In his suite?”

“He has a villa the family purchased. It’s beautiful and not too far from here. He wants to have my things moved there.”

“You do realize we’re flying home in two days. Right?”

Sighing, all I could do was nod.

“You’re smitten with this guy.”

I had to laugh. “Who’s used that word in like twenty years? No one.”

“Fine. You’re hot to trot for him.”

“That’s no better. I like him, Em. I really do, but he lives in Greece and I live in New York.” I didn’t need to belabor the fact he killed people for a living while I saved them. Maybe I was overblowing the situation a tad, but at the end of the day, that was the truth.

“That’s just geographics. Long-distance relationships can work, especially when the guy is rich.”

I gave her a hard glare. “I need wine. Lots of wine.”

“Pour me a glass and tell me why this won’t work. Oh, yes. He’s a mobster and you’re a famous doctor.”