“You’re lucky you weren’t killed.”
“I saved his life. That was the extent of it.” I hated lying to my sister. “When was this in the news?”
“I saw it this morning, but it was from a couple days ago. Did you know anything about it?” Katrina almost dropped her wine since Magnum was doing everything he could to be the center of the cellphone’s attention. His whining squeals nearly broke my heart. “Don’t worry. The article wasn’t a nasty slant at you or your profession. Actually, what was said was pretty nice.”
I glanced at Emily, her expression one of concern. “How much about my life was mentioned?”
“Just the hospital you worked at and how much time you took with your patients. That kind of thing. Is something wrong? A little notoriety isn’t always bad, you know.”
Maybe not, but in this case, it could be deadly. “No, nothing’s wrong. Everything okay there?”
“He’s just waiting by the door for you to get home.” Katrina made a face and as if on cue, Magnum howled, the sound horrifically morose.
“I’ll be home in a couple days, baby boy. Stop worrying, sis. You’re right. Notoriety isn’t bad.”
“Talk soon. Find a hot man while you’re there.” She laughed, hugged my pup before clicking off her phone,
“Fuck.” I held the phone to my head before dumping it on the bed.
“That’s interesting.” Emily was still staring at me.
“Yep,” I mused as I popped the P.
“So, this dangerous mafia guy of yours commanded you to go to this opening?” Emily asked as she pushed her way into the room.
“Basically.” I couldn’t argue the point he was dangerous.
“And you said yes? That’s not like you. He’s hot, but that’s insane.”
I immediately noticed there were packages in my hotel room just like Christos had promised. A tiny thrill tore through me, but I was also hesitant to feel happy about spending another night with him.
“I didn’t have a choice.” I grabbed a handful, taking them to the bed.
“That’s just… Romantic as hell.”
I laughed at her sudden change in demeanor. “Actually, it is.” I’d had a tough time concentrating during the sessions, barely comprehending anything the different doctors had gone over. At least today had been less demanding with questions and answers.
With only a couple of hours’ sleep, I’d remained jittery all day. And sore. But in a good way.
“Just how awesome was the time you spent together last night?” she asked, her voice dreamy.
“Amazing.” I pulled a box from a bag, surprised how heavy it was. When I removed the top, I was shocked, a moment of sheer giddiness rolling into me. “The man is insane. Look at this.” I pulled the long dress out, holding it against me and turning around.
“Oh, my God. Is that for tonight?”
I nodded and peered down. The dress was the most insane color of emerald with tiny beads covering every inch.
“Those are hand sewn. Do you have any idea how much a dress like that costs?” She picked at the label, shaking her head. “That’s an Italian designer. His collection is worn by celebrities all over the world. That’s maybe eighty thousand dollars.”
“No fucking way.”
Now she was bobbing her head like some doll. I felt a little sick inside.
“What else did he send?” She didn’t wait for me to open the packages, doing it for me. “Crap. Look at these shoes. And a matching handbag.”
I didn’t turn around, immediately heading toward the bathroom to see the dress in the mirror. I had no idea what to think. It was gorgeous, the most beautiful piece of clothing I’d ever owned. Why did I feel a lump in my throat?
“Girl. You should see the lingerie he bought. I think this guy really likes you.”