“Clothes on or off?”
“Optional and at my discretion only.”
Dimitrios’ chuckle reminded me of the ones he offered when teasing me about my latest conquest. Little did he know I hadn’t been with a woman in almost two years. No matter the photographic dynamics depicted in the local news, I’d lost interest in dating.
“You know what you’re doing. Don’t forget you have a wedding to return to. Havros is quite anxious that there not be a hitch in the ceremony.”
“What about his lovely wife to be?”
“The honest truth is she’s taking everything in stride. I admire her tenacity and the way she’s handling our mother. That’s another story.”
Now I laughed. “I bet it is. I’ll be there.”
“I’ll let him know. Call me tomorrow.”
“Will do.” I shoved the phone into my pocket and resumed my inspection, heading to the main offices. One of us would stop by at least once a month. We’d hired a topnotch manager and assistant manager who’d been run through every security clearance we had access to. Nothing had been left to chance.
The rooms were located on the third floor, the second room created with full privacy in mind. We’d moved into the world of BDSM although I wouldn’t consider this a kink club by any means. We would still handle aspects of our import and export business through the offices, allowing for trade to countries we previously hadn’t had access to.
Everything had to run like a well-oiled machine for our reputation to remain intact. We certainly didn’t need anyone from law enforcement breathing down our necks. Certain members were considered good ‘friends,’ but there were always rogue militia determined to make a name for themselves.
I would take it as a personal affront if anything went wrong on the first night.
The offices were pristine, colorful art hung on almost every wall. There was a private bar for use by the executive staff and being it was already the afternoon, I helped myself to a congratulatory whiskey.
Why not?
I’d worked hard to make certain everything was exactly as envisioned. As I took a sip, I sat on the edge of the desk, allowing my mind to drift to the night before.
Our sexual escapades had lasted well into the night. When I’d dropped Valencia off at the hotel after two in the morning, I’d found it difficult to leave. She’d clawed her way into my soul during our rounds of passion. A single scratch inflicted by her long nails could be seen crawling under the sleeve of my jacket.
I laughed and the sound echoed in the empty space. Both Luca and Elias remained outside, although no one knew we were here. I had the place all to myself. This might be the only time. As I sipped my drink, images rushed into the forefront of my mind.
Valencia had been a wildcat and I’d loved every moment of her seductive foreplay. Yet it had been the first time I’d wanted to rip off a woman’s clothes without thinking whether she enjoyed it rough or not.
What did that tell me about the strong woman? What did that tell me about myself?
Maybe too little, too late. I wasn’t prepared to entertain a relationship.
However… I could certainly enjoy another round of foreplay.
Dimitrios’ question and concern also flashed into my mind. Anything was possible, but given my men had determined the closest hospital when I’d been shot, there wasn’t a chance she could have known about my arrival.
I gulped the remainder of my drink, checking my watch immediately after. There were a few phone calls to make and I’d head back to the apartment since I’d already checked out of the suite. If the rest of the furniture and other items hadn’t arrived, I’d be pissed.
Although it had been fun roughing it in an almost empty house. We’d even christened the kitchen, the best way of welcoming a new home into our expansive group of them.
And I’d had that scandalous opportunity.
I left my glass on the bar and turned out the light, deciding to take the stairs going down. As soon as I opened the private door leading to the main body of the club, I sensed not only an interruption in my space but movement in the shadows. I instantly reached for my weapon, holding the Sig-Sauer in both hands.
After taking a few steps into the darkness, I stopped and listened for any sounds. The drop of ice in the icemaker dragged my attention to the right, but I heard a single noise to the left. I moved stealthily in that direction, hugging the end of the bar.
The cocking sound of the weapon was something I knew instinctively. The locked and loaded position was a warning. If the shooter had wanted me dead, the gun would have already been fired.
But I wasn’t taking the chance. I dropped and rolled, firing off two gunshots.
“You missed.” The man’s deep voice came from behind me. He’d moved after cocking his weapon, trying and succeeding at drawing me out.