I kept my eyes on him as he headed for the doorway. When he stopped, the swarm of butterflies returned. He slowly tipped his head over his shoulder. “Tomorrow night you will attend the opening of my club with me. I will have a limo pick you up. Expect some packages to be placed in your room while you’re at your conference tomorrow. You are my guest for as long as you are here. And tomorrow night when we leave, you’ll find your things in my closet in this house.”
He walked out and I had no idea what to think. He was determined to take full control of me. I had no say in the matter.
Why did that excite me so terribly much?
The thought popping into my mind was one that was needed even in the throes of passion.
This could be the beginning of something I wouldn’t be able to control.
“Be careful tonight,” Dimitrios said from the other end of the phone.
I was walking through the closed club, doing my final inspection while talking with my brother. “Why the warning?”
“Let’s just say I have it under good authority the club could have some very interesting guests.”
“There’s no one on the approved list that concerns me.” The opening was by invitation only. Certain celebrities, Italian parliament, and members of the press corps had been invited. We also had doubled our security given we’d still have a full house.
“Remember they were allowed a guest ticket.”
I hadn’t thought of that. “I’ll keep that in mind. Is there anyone in particular you see as a threat?”
“Let’s just say the New York assholes have been far too quiet. They are well aware of the opening.”
“How so? This is Milan, not the Big Apple.”
“You are many things, my brother, but you are not naïve. They are watching us, waiting for any pushback. By now, they are becoming nervous that nothing has occurred.”
“Yes, that is a good point. I’ll add more security. However, I believe we can handle it.”
And I did.
The men who’d arrived for the opening were long-term soldiers we knew and trusted. There were also men and women that would pose as guests to mingle through the crowd. I wasn’t taking any chances. Not after the time it had taken to get the club up and running.
“Good. I’m sure tonight will be a raging success,” Dimitrios said, his laugh as if the man wasn’t worried in the least.
“Being a father has tempered you,” I teased him.
“Bullshit. Mind your own damn business. Speaking of which, I heard you had a house guest last night.”
“We need to hire different lieutenants. I’m going to kill mine.”
He laughed. “What are the odds the doctor who saved your life ended up in the same city where you’re opening a club?”
“Are you insinuating anything?”
“I’m just a cautious man. Remember, brother. There is no such thing as a coincidence.”
“How many times have you told me that? Think about it. Valencia had every opportunity to simply allow me to die on the operating room table. You do remember she went to near heroic methods to keep me alive. Don’t you?”
“Yes, but perhaps it was done with a purpose in mind.”
I was honestly annoyed at his constantly anxious state of mind. I knew he had a lot to lose personally as we did as a family. And I had to remind myself we’d all been through a lot in fourteen months. However, he also seemed to forget I wasn’t a stupid man nor was I easily caught off guard. I’d also conceded this wasn’t the time to pick a fight.
“Fine. I’ll keep my eye on her. If I suspect she’s working with anyone, I’ll enjoy interrogating her.”