When I moaned into the kiss, he captured it, holding me so tightly against him that the hard press of his cock created a lightheaded feeling.
I knew I shouldn’t be here. The truth was I shouldn’t want to be here. But I was and I did. He had a way about him that made me feel so comfortable, easily able to relax and even laugh. With his quick wit and appreciation of my dark humor, he’d allowed me to enjoy an evening for the first time in ages.
Especially with a man.
Christos dominated my tongue as he brushed his fingers down my back. I tingled all over from his touch, light yet as hungry as I’d seen in his eyes all night. I craved seeing every inch of his body just as it was apparent he did with me. Was this very wrong? Absolutely. Not only was he a previous patient, but also possibly a cold-blooded killer.
Why did neither matter to me?
He broke the kiss seconds later, but slid his hand to hold my head in place. His breathing was as heavy as mine. When he nipped on my lower lip, I closed my eyes. This man was a vision, a creation so powerfully incredible I was lightheaded. I could only imagine what he’d be like keeping the promise of ravaging every inch of me.
Very slowly he tilted my head, dragging the tip of his tongue up along my cheek, even nipping my ear. I laughed nervously andit made him growl. The deep, throaty sound was very much like that of a predator. I was already floating on air, the sweep of heat coursing through me starting with my very core.
We were both on fire, an explosion set to go off at any moment.
His tongue was hot and wet, my heart thudding and my pulse racing. This wasn’t supposed to happen. As he rolled both hands down my back, another series of shivers danced all the way to my bare feet. His whisper was husky, the tone alone sending vibrations down my back.
“I want you and I will have you.”
There would be no denying the man even if I wanted to.
Which I didn’t.
He squeezed both my ass cheeks as he brushed the roughest part of his tongue down the side of my neck. His scalding breath sent a rush of adrenaline into every cell and muscle. I found myself ripping at his jacket, struggling to pull the dense material over his shoulders.
Christos finally did it for me, yanking off his jacket, taking a single step away from me to rip at his tie. His eyes were glassy, almost dilated, yet I could tell by the look of them I wasn’t getting away.
With him, I felt playful and alive and the moment I skittered backward, he stopped everything he was doing, beckoning me with a single finger.
I shook my head defiantly, bolting from the room in search of a hiding place. I’d never acted this way around anyone, friends included. I felt free and uninhibited, as if the woman standingin front of the chiseled man was someone else and I was just watching the show unfold.
As I raced from room to room, I could hear his voice, the deep rumble coming from his chest. “I will find you.” The words echoed all throughout the gorgeous space, fueling the insanity of my escape.
I had to press my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing, finally rushing into a room where a desk and chair were placed. As silently as possible, I crouched down behind the massive and artistic piece of wood, holding my breath when I heard him coming.
He was stomping through the house as if a monster eager to catch his prey. A single giggle slipped past my lips before I was able to clamp my mouth shut. I heard the single creak of a door close by as he continued his search.
The rugged man was taking his time, creating a wave of anticipation and excitement. I felt like a kid again playing hide and seek. And I couldn’t stop smiling. What would he do when he found me?
“Come out, my angel. Do you know what happens to bad girls who disobey me?” How could his voice rumble as if shouted from a microphone?
I didn’t budge, too terrified to breathe because he was close, so close.
His footsteps indicated he’d stopped in the doorway of the room I was hiding in, his breathing labored. He was growling like the beast I’d pegged him to be. I was frozen on the spot, one leg starting to cramp.
But I’ll be damned if I was going to lose this battle.
“You are one bad girl.” When Christos moved away, I breathed out, a hiccup catching me seconds later.
Oh, shit.
I knew he’d caught the sound, stopping in his tracks. It was now or never to find another hiding place. I crept to the doorway, sticking my head out. He’d disappeared. Blood was rushing to my head. This was a game of cat and mouse on steroids. A laugh bubbled to the surface, but I managed to suppress it, bolting from the room and heading in the other direction.
“I’ve caught you, my pretty.” His chuckle was laced with devilish danger and I knew he was right behind me.
When he caught a lock of my hair with his fingers, I twisted my head, managing to break the connection. I zigged and zagged, managing to get away once again. But I knew it wouldn’t be for long.
One room had dozens of boxes. It was the last place to hide.