“Then I’m going to hold you to that.”
“You can do that.” We clinked glasses again and this time the look she gave me was as heated as mine.
“Let’s order dinner. There’s somewhere I’d like to take you afterwards.”
“What do you have in mind?”
I laughed. “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, now, would it?”
I would savor the package during dinner, but I wouldn’t have the control to do so after we left. No, the lovely American woman with a lust for life had yet to realize she’d been right all along.
I was a predator.
And she’d become my prey.
“You’re breaking into a house? Didn’t you allude to the fact you’re extremely wealthy? And don’t you have a room at the same hotel where I’m staying?”
Valencia’s question forced me to chuckle. “I told you. I have many talents.”
“As I said before. Your parents are obviously very proud. And the wine and glasses we had to stop and purchase?”
I stopped what I was doing and tipped my head over my shoulder. “We do need to celebrate our accomplishment.”
“I don’t think I’ll mention to my friend that our date ended with a possible breaking and entering charge. What about your men waiting for us?” She gestured over the railing to where the SUV was waiting.
“They’d make certain the police don’t arrest us.”
“You are a bad man.”
“I never said otherwise. Did I?”
She groaned and it was the cutest sound she’d made yet. “No, you did not.”
“See? I never tell a lie.” The lock clicked and I sighed from successfully being able to unlock it. “If it will make you feel any better, my family owns the villa.”
“Why break in?”
“Perhaps because I wanted to see your reaction.” She gave me a dirty look and I laughed. “I have yet to receive the keys.”
“Oh, well, then. A stunning location in the heart of downtown Milan. This area is obviously where the wealthy prefer living. I’d say this set your family back a pretty penny.”
I opened the door, shoved the pocketknife into my trousers, and swept my arm inside for her to enter. “We own one in Paris as well.”
“My. A world traveler. When are you purchasing a place in New York?’ As soon as she stepped inside, I followed her, flicking on the light in the entrance foyer.
“In truth, never.” As soon as I muttered the words, I was reminded of the saying I’d tossed out all over again. I certainly had a viable and much more pleasurable reason to spend more time in New York. I watched as she moved around the nearly empty front room, concentrating on the architecture.
“This is incredible.”
“We had some issues with the contractor. That’s why I haven’t received the keys yet. Tomorrow if all goes well.”
“Trouble in paradise?”
I closed the door behind her, taking the wine and glasses from her hands. “Yes, well, even rich people have issues. Look around.”