Page 26 of The Enforcer

“I can imagine. Greece isn’t that way. We take family life very seriously.”

“That’s wonderful. I can imagine what your mother and father are like.”

She was bringing back memories. “They are lively.”

As she took another sip of wine, finally more relaxed around me, I was no longer astonished about the connection we shared. She’d enticed every part of me, body mentally and physically. I was eager to learn more about her while hungering to taste every inch.

“Why a heart surgeon?”

“My uncle had a heart attack right in front of me when I was a little girl. I didn’t know CPR and while I called 9-1-1, I couldn’t save his life. It nearly destroyed my father because they were so close.”

Her words hit home, my thoughts drifting to my brother Leandro.

“Did I say something wrong?” she asked.

“No, of course not.”

“Your face tells a different story.” She reached her hand across the table as if we’d been friends for a long time. The instant the tips of her fingers touched the skin on the back of my hand, a shot of electricity cut through me like a knife. Every time Itouched her, I was reminded that I was a man and hungered deeply, my thirst never quenched.

“Am I that easy to read?” I asked.

“My mother tells me I’m an empath.”

I looked at her quizzically.

“A person with the paranormal ability to understand the mental and emotional state of another person.”

“Ah,” I said, lifting my glass for a second time. “Perhaps you are someone with many talents and not I.”

“You didn’t answer the question and I am the kind of woman who will dig until I’d told what I want to hear.”

Her smile had an uncanny ability to make me feel at ease. Perhaps we’d known each other in a past life. “Then I’ll need to keep your paranormal abilities in mind. Do you bend spoons too?”

She gave me a hard look, the flash in her eyes capable of cutting a man to the bone. I suddenly envisioned her writhing underneath me, wondering how her eyes would appear then. My cock twitched in appreciation. She even drummed her fingers on the table, expecting me to answer. How many women had ever treated me as their equal? The answer? None.

“I lost my brother Leandro over a year ago. He was a little younger and we were the closest of the brothers. Your comment about your uncle brought up the memory.”

“I’m so sorry.”

And she truly was. I liked this woman more than I should. “Don’t be. It’s the cost of being in the business I’m in.”

She curled her fingers as if they were on fire. “He was murdered.”


“Was his murderer found?”

“Yes. And taken care of.”

Valencia nodded, her eyes darting back and forth across mine. “Isn’t this the point where you tell me I shouldn’t ask questions?”

I leaned across the table, forcing her hand into mine. “This is the point where I tell you that we should enjoy our dinner. Remember what I said. Nothing will ever happen to you as long as I’m around.”

“I learned a long time ago that men can make promises because they have no intention of keeping them.”

“I sense a sad story here, Valencia.”

“One best told over copious amounts of tequila.” There was her lilting laugh again. So sweet. So natural. I was drawn to her even more.