“Is that an issue?” I pulled her roughly against me, enough so that she was forced to place her hand on my chest to keep from tipping over.
She’d yet to learn I would never allow her to fall.
“Not an issue, but not what I’m used to.”
As we walked across the street to the entrance to the restaurant, I kept my hand placed on the small of her back. “I hate New York even more.”
“There are days I do as well. This is lovely. The entire street is lit up as if straight out of a romance novel.”
“Your favorite genre?”
“Actually, I prefer horror where it’s very gory or crime thrillers, preferably stalkers and serial killers.”
I almost choked, I was laughing so hard. “You are very surprising.”
“Stick with me long enough and you might find me shocking.”
“You’ll quickly learn that nothing shocks me. Good evening, Maria.” The hostess smiled as soon as we appeared.
“Mr. Nomikos. It’s wonderful to see you again. I have your table ready. Lovely to meet you, Dr. Laurant.”
Valencia lifted her head toward me as I guided us through the restaurant. “You’re well known.”
“I am a creature of continuity. I prefer to eat at the same restaurants that I’ve enjoyed before. I know the quality and the atmosphere.”
“But don’t you find trying new things exciting?”
“Here you are,” Maria said.
I pulled out Valencia’s chair and the look she gave me was as if I’d just pushed us back into the dark ages. Ignoring her sarcastic expression, I eased her and the chair under the table, walking around to the other side. “I find excitement in many things, Valencia,” I said as I sat down. “Including in beautiful women, their touch and taste. The sound of their laughter, especially in the moonlight. The way they feel against my skin and the softness of their voices.”
She placed the napkin in her lap, her luscious lips pursed from amusement. “I should have asked if you’re a womanizer. Now I know.”
“You caught me.”
“Cosa posso portarti da bere?” The waiter appeared quickly, his question about what we wanted to drink expected.
“Il venticinquesimo Chateau Petrus.”
The waiter opened his eyes wide, given it was a sixty-five-hundred-dollar bottle of wine. “Molto bene, signore.” He nodded and left, allowing me to return my attention to my lovely dinner companion.
“A Chateau Petrus. A twenty-twenty no less.” While her eyes were sparkling, her upper lip was crooked, her words meant to admonish me.
“You don’t like the vintage?”
“Are you trying to impress me? A very expensive wine and you speak fluent Italian.”
I leaned over the table. “Is it working?”
“I’m not impressed easily.”
“Then I guess I’ll need to try harder.” Walking into the restaurant, I’d been allowed to enjoy the slight swinging of her hips and the way the incredible dress hugged her voluptuous form. While it was obvious she was more at ease in her scrubs, the hospital her playground, she was the epitome of womanly perfection in both the medical attire and the dress.
I found both her and the light perfume she was wearing irresistible.
I would have a difficult time keeping my hands to myself.