Page 22 of The Enforcer

“Because of your traveling or your fear of animals?”

The woman also had a way of making me laugh. “I don’t fear animals.”

“But they fear you.”

“I wouldn’t say fear.”

“Animals can sense a bad person much like they can aspects of danger.”

“Are you suggesting I’m a dangerous bad person?”

Her laugh was subtle. “Perhaps. But I don’t know you very well.”

“Ah, but you’ve learned of my reputation.”

“I have friends. They care about me.”

“Having friends you can trust is always a godsend. I believe you can feel safe in my hands.”

She brushed her hand through her long curls and the simple move attracted my attention. “Mmm… We’ll see. An Italian sports car. Is that to blend in?”

“If I were attempting to do that, I’d be driving a Fiat. The Italians prefer the car’s compact nature and its maneuverability. Many of the city streets within Italian cities are quite narrow.”

“Then just the opposite. You enjoy standing out, which is easy for you.”

“I don’t shy away from attention if that’s what you were insinuating.”

“So I’ve noticed. You seem to be the darling of Greek and Parisian news media.”

I almost grasped her leg, a possessive gesture, but certainly didn’t want to scare her off. Although I had the distinct feeling the woman could hold her own against almost any situation. “You searched the internet.”

“When you insisted I go out with you, I felt it prudent. I’ve seen the effects from what dangerous men did to their prey.”

“What a fascinating choice of words. I rarely hunt prey, but when I do, it’s usually based on betrayal.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Where are you taking me?”

I pressed down on the accelerator, taking the corners with more speed than was recommended. She didn’t flinch or grip the dashboard. That thrilled me and I wasn’t certain why.


“Which is?”

“A lovely Italian restaurant I found when I was here many years ago. I believe you’ll find their offerings delicious. They have brick walls and arches, sparkling white lights used like drapes, and they offer some of the finest cuisine in all of Italy.” I altered my tone with the last word on purpose. It didn’t seem to faze her.

She was a tough girl, refusing to allow herself to fall under any man’s spell. I’d caught that from the beginning. Even Elias hadmentioned how she’d handled them when they’d inquired about the success or failure of my surgery. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t seem to let her go.

That and her stunning good looks.

“That sounds lovely. Table for four?” she asked as she glanced into the side mirror.

“They won’t be eating with us.”

“I hope you don’t make your bodyguards starve.”

“They are considered my soldiers,” I told her, “and I assure you they are allowed both food and wine when off duty. Their pay and benefits are enough they can buy anything they want.”

“So you are mafia.”