Page 18 of The Enforcer

My phone chimed and I immediately pulled it into my hands. A Facetime call. “It’s my sister, Katrina.” We continued walking down the crowded corridor toward the elevators. “Hey, Kat. How are things?” I noticed Magnum doing his best to get into the frame.

“Your puppy misses you,” she cooed.

“You and that sweet pup,” Emily teased.

I snarled at her on purpose. “Let me talk to him.”

“He’s been waiting since I said we were going to try and call you. Hey, puppy. Mommy dog is on the phone.”

Woof! Woof!

“Hi, baby boy. Do you know how much your mommy misses you? Do you know how much I wuv you?” I sounded like I was talking to a little baby, but that’s what my furball was. He was my one and only child, although I’d already thought about getting him a companion. Maybe when I returned to New York.

He squealed and turned in a full circle.Woof. Woof!

“Aw. Would you look at him?” Emily crowded over my shoulder. We’d stopped right in the middle of the hallway, people forced to go around us.

“Say hi, Miss Emily. Magnum, you remember Emily. Right?” I asked and he wagged his tail, even licking the phone. “I told you he liked you.”

Emily sighed. “I need a dog.”

“He’s my son,” I said proudly and could tell certain colleagues were staring at me as if I was an alien. At least a few others had smiles on their faces. “I love you, Magnum. I’ll be home soon. Now, be good for your Auntie Kat. Okay?” An ache remained in my heart from leaving him. Other than the night shifts I’d worked at the hospital, I’d never left him for more than eighteen hours.

It was killing me.

“Stop worrying, sis. He’s with me and eating like a horse.” Katrina grinned. “Meet any hot men yet?”

Both Emily and I glanced at the older doctors who continued to pass us. “Uh, not a chance.”

“But we’re going out tonight,” Emily intervened.

I pushed her away, wrinkling my nose as I made a face. “Maybe.”

“Have some fun for a change. You’re like an old lady.”

“Shut your mouth,” I told my sister. “Fine. I’ll go out for a drink. One drink. Now, go take care of my baby. Kiss him goodnight later.”

“Just stop it.” Katrina rolled her eyes. “By the way, do you want me to throw away the dead roses?”

“They’re from him, the sexy man who’s been haunting her fantasies.” Emily was practically purring.

“I’m going to kick your butt,” I told Emily after she interjected. “No. Just leave them until I get home.”

Katrina shook her head. “O-kay, sis. And here I thought you’d never be interested in a man. Can’t you find one in the States?”

“Can’t you mind your own business? Love you, baby sis.”

“Love you too. Go have fun!”

I ended the call and held the phone against my chest. “God, I miss that little man.”

“You really need to start a family. That’s why you pine away so much.”

“That is not going to happen. I’m very happy the way I am.” I’d tried to convince myself of that for years. My career was most important. Maybe.

“You’re missing the Greek hunk. Christos Nomikos. Wasn’t that his name?”

“Yes. I’m surprised you remembered.”