Page 17 of The Enforcer

“Careful is my middle name,” I told him with a smile on my face. “Perhaps I’ll also take some time to explore all that Milan has to offer.” The corporation had purchased two new homes, one in Paris and one in Milan, locations where the new clubs had been built. We had no intentions of creating more than an outpost in Italy for our less legitimate offerings, but our brutal reputation extended all the way to the United States.

Everyone laughed again, much more easily this time. I rubbed my chest and my father instantly lifted his eyebrows. “Stop worrying, Pops. I feel fine. I was given a clean bill of health.”

“But you will rest these next two weeks. We don’t need you collapsing on the job.”

I saluted him, something he loathed. “Yes, sir.”

He acted as if he was going to swat me just like when I was the precocious kid. Yes, it was good to be home.

“Tell us about the woman who saved your life. I heard from Elias she’s a looker.” Dimitrios was immediately popped on his leg by Willow. “Don’t worry, snookums. I’m not going anywhere.”

“You better not. You know how well I handle an icepick,” she countered.

I blew out a swath of hot air. “She’s tough.”

“Just wait until you find out how tough they can be,” Havros threw in.

“Not this man.” I pointed to myself. “Never.”

“What did you just tell us? Never say never?”

After making a face at Dimitrios, my thoughts drifted to Valencia all over again. As they’d done several times. I’d wondered if sheliked the flowers. I’d made certain she’d received them. “Dr. Laurant is a highly recommended cardiovascular surgeon, her credentials unblemished.”

My two brothers looked back and forth between themselves.

“Spill it,” Havros barked. “How hot is she?”

As I rubbed my jaw, images of her face popped into my mind. I almost preferred her in scrubs, the light makeup allowing her gorgeous features to shine through. Even the way she’d piled her hair into a sloppy bun had been sexy as hell. I’d wanted to rip out the pins holding her long strands in place, running my fingers through her hair.

“On a scale of one to ten, she’s a twenty.”

Dimitrios opened his eyes wide. “You just couldn’t find a nice Greek girl to settle down with. Could you?”

“Who says I’m settling down?”

“Famous last words,” Willow purred over the rim of her wineglass.

I laughed, but couldn’t shake the feeling or the longing that had entrapped me for days. I would see her again if I had to move heaven and earth to do so.


Two and a half weeks later


“Aren’t you excited we’re here?” Emily asked as soon as the conference room doors were opened and we’d walked outside.

“We haven’t seen much of the city,” I told her as I struggled to slide my laptop back in my case. “We’ve had three days of intense classes and speakers.”

“But we have tonight off,” she reminded me.

Yes, we did. I’d felt blessed when given the opportunity, a substitute for the doctor from another hospital who’d been unable to attend at the last minute. I’d had forty-eight hours to pack, have my sister stay at my house with Magnum, and ensure my patients would be cared for the way I preferred. Although I’d never taken an international flight before and loathed flying. I’d been white knuckled the entire time.

Thankfully, at least my father had insisted his two daughters have passports at an early age. He’d hoped to travel abroad. Things hadn’t worked in his favor.

“I’m not sure I care,” I told her. “I’m exhausted.” While the lectures and two clinics had been informative, I was still suffering from jetlag and lack of sleep. Without Magnum by my side, it had been tough to get comfortable. I missed the furball more than I would admit to anyone but my sister.

“Come on,” she chided.