Page 135 of The Enforcer

“You look beautiful,” Christos said as soon as he walked in.

I finally turned my head, instantly smiling at what he was wearing. Jeans and a tee shirt. He looked more handsome than normal, especially since his hair was still wet from a shower. In his hand was his iPad and he walked slowly in my direction. As soon as he sat down on the end of the couch, Magnum immediately shifted his position, wiggling that cute butt of his as he climbed onto the sensual man’s lap.

As I’d seen more than a dozen times, Christos instantly stroked my fur baby’s head while he studied me.

“What do you have there?”

He hesitated as if the news would upset me. At this point, I wasn’t certain anything could.

“Your father was true to his word. News broke this morning of sixteen arrests of prominent citizens, politicians, and even a couple of members of law enforcement.” He handed me the iPad and I skimmed the article written for theNew York Times.

“That’s wonderful.”

“Yes, it is.”

I handed it back to him, not needing to read the piece in depth. It was just another reminder crime existed everywhere and in all walks of life.

“Have you talked with him?”

While I wanted to laugh, I didn’t. “Yes. He said nothing about the case, but he warned me again about being involved with you. We ended on a good note, but he will never approve and you know what? I don’t care.”

“He’s your father. It may take some time, but he’ll understand.”

“Maybe. Is your business back on track in New York?”

He nodded. “Yes, we’ll break ground on the new club in about forty-five days. There are a few new kinks to work out since several positions will need to be filled. We’ll have a shipment of diamonds arriving in two weeks.”

“I’m so happy for you.”

Given the look on his face, I sensed he wasn’t happy or content about the outcome. The fact Luca had betrayed him and had been doing so for at least several months weighed heavily on his mind. Upon a further background check, it was discovered theman had been part Albanian. “Yes, there’s a lot to be thankful for.”

The faraway look in his eyes pulled at my heartstrings. “What about the Armenian leader in New York?”

“So far, the man has yet to be arrested, but Davit Ajernian has already sent a contingency of soldiers to work with Don Coppola in providing assistance cleaning up the city.” Now he laughed, but the sound was bitter.

It seemed almost comical that the bad guys weren’t nearly as horrible as those pretending to be on the right side of the law. “Everything is coming together.”

He looked down at Magnum and I knew something was wrong.

“What is it?” I asked, my tone holding the tension I felt all throughout my body.

“I made a few calls using my father’s connections in New York. I also made a stop when I was there.” He slowly lifted his head and his eyes were strange, as if he was ready to cry.

“What’s going on?”

Now he smiled, his usual attempt to push off what troubled him. “You’ve been reinstated at the hospital. Apparently, the director was threatened with harm to his family and he felt he had no choice. I managed to help him see his misguided ways. With the arrests, he refuses to lose a valuable asset. You can return any time you’re ready.”

“You want me to go?” Wow. He’d gone to that trouble for me?

“I… I want you to have the life you’ve been fighting to regain. What we’ve shared has been amazing, but I am who I am, so ismy family, and as you mentioned, the nightmare will never be over with. Not completely. Do I believe peace will be restored? Yes, I do. However, this world isn’t for you.”

“So you don’t love me.”

“Don’t put words into my mouth. This is perhaps the most selfless thing I’ve done in a life full of deeds and decisions that will likely haunt me for the rest of my days. No, I don’t want you to leave, but I also won’t force you to stay. That’s not a life and will eventually erode the strong connection we feel. All I ask is that you stay for the opening of the beach restaurant. I think it would break Kara’s and Willow’s hearts if you weren’t there.”

“I don’t know what to say.” I was shocked and instantly knots formed in my stomach.

Reaching over, he touched my face as gently as he always had. “You don’t need to say anything right now. Maybe tomorrow you can let me know what you’ve decided so I can make arrangements for your return.”