I glanced at the other downed assailant, not recognizing him from any of our past dealings.
Havros had already dropped to his knees, searching the unknown man’s pockets. He shook his head indicating there was no identification. Then he yanked up the man’s sleeves, both of us noticing a carved symbol at the same time.
“Armenian,” I growled. They all had the same gang-style marks. “Find out who the fuck did this and how Luca managed to infiltrate our system. Have the other residences swept for bugs. They’re there. I can feel them.”
I pulled her from the room, grateful Magnum’s condition was good given what he’d been through. He’d likely saved her life and for that, I would forever be grateful.
“Come on, baby. Let’s get you out of here.”
She allowed me to take her out of the room, her body trembling as I did.
Once we were downstairs, I moved her into the living room, easing her down. Immediately, Magnum jumped up and I was finally allowed to breathe a sigh of relief.
“He said he hated you. He told me if it was the last thing he’d do on this earth, he would kill you and your family. Who is Luca working for?”
“I don’t know, my angel, but I will find out. It’s over. The nightmare is over.” I cupped her face gently, hating the way she was quivering. If I could kill the man ten times over, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
“Arek. Does that mean anything? I overheard Luca talking with someone on his phone when I’d tried to escape.”
Fucking Christ. We’d all underestimated the bastard. “I know the name.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Everything in my power to right this wrong.”
“I love you, Christos, but will it ever be over?”
“I promise you that it will be, and soon.”
I could see her mind churning, processing her close call with death. Again.
Because of my business and that of my family, I’d almost destroyed everything she held dear. It was time to make amends.
It was time to let her go.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
—Martin Luther King Jr.
One week later
The darkness was something I’d never hated before. Yet the moment the lights had gone off at Christos’ house, I’d been more afraid than I had in my life. Luca had shocked me, the man so kind when I’d told him I’d wanted to surprise Christos. He’d acted concerned at first, but I’d noticed a look in his eyes I thought was worry his boss would be angry if he followed along.
My instincts had told me otherwise. He’d made two calls, telling me he was ensuring Christos’ house was well guarded. I’d been stupid enough to believe him. Nothing else had seemed strange until I’d realized he’d taken my phone. I’d offered him a drinkafter thanking the bastard for arranging for Magnum to be brought to me. I’d fucking thanked him. He’d accepted my offer, leaving him alone with my purse.
Magnum had growled, the low-slung sound I’d trusted since I’d picked him up from the rescue. Yet I’d ignored it because I’d believed Christos knew his men and what they were capable of.
In the week that had passed, everyone had remained pensive, Christos helping his father and brothers in discovering additional information. Information I wasn’t privy to and didn’t want to know. Had there been nights of passion? Absolutely, and I’d wanted his arms wrapped around me. He’d saved my puppy’s life as well as mine.
However, was the love I felt for the man enough?
I heard footsteps and didn’t bother glancing toward the door. With a glass of wine in my hand and Magnum resting his head on my leg, I was more comfortable than I’d felt in days.