Page 130 of The Enforcer

While I wasn’t inclined to believe him, the man was terrified enough he wasn’t about to provide anything that would potentially cause his sister harm. While some men might allow him to live for that alone, I couldn’t risk the man attempting to make another deal with either crime syndicate in the US.

I pulled out my weapon and his eyes flashed appropriately with fear. “I’ll make certain your sister is well taken care of. That’s the only promise you get.”

With a single shot, I ended his life. Maybe I wasn’t in the mood for taking out all my aggressions on someone that could provide little additional information.

“Find out about his sister and send her a wire transfer,” I told Elias.

“Yes, sir. What now?”

“Now, we return to Greece.” If the Armenians were working with the Cosa Nostra, perhaps our alliance with Don Coppola would remain a good business practice. If there was someone in our organization betraying us, I’d hunt them down.

Once outside, I headed for Havros. “Call your buddy Don Coppola. Tell him he has good reason to be worried about the Cosa Nostra in this godforsaken city.”

“He already knows that. He has plans on cleaning up the streets. His way.”

I laughed. “If only we had the time or inkling to join him.”

“A successful business venture?” Valencia asked. Her voice was more pensive than I liked to hear it.

“I believe so. However, time will tell if your father is as trustworthy as you want him to be.”

“You didn’t hurt him. Did you?”

I laughed. “I keep my promises, Valencia.” We’d left New York without spending the night. The one thing I’d learned over the years was how prudent it was to follow your instincts. Mine toldme the nightmare wasn’t over. I’d made one last stop, terrifying the man I’d met with, but at least he’d listened to me. It would seem threats were going around.

“Good. I would hate to hate you.” She laughed at what she’d said. “You sound tired.”

“Just tired of engaging in foul play. It will be good to be home. How’s Magnum?”

“Missing you. I don’t know how that’s possible in less than twenty-four hours.”

“Because I’m a great guy.”

“Who are we talking about again?”

It was good to have a conversation with someone that had nothing to do with business. “Very funny. Be careful what you say to me.”

“When are you arriving?”

“A few hours. You’ll be asleep by then.”

“I assure you I won’t be. Wake me up if I am.”

“Oh, I have every intention of doing so.” I allowed myself to growl and immediately, Havros jerked his head up, grinning like some loon.

“Good. Just remember, we’ll have a cuddle dog between us.”

“Uh, not for long.” At least she allowed me a chance to hear her laugh.

“See you soon.”

“You can count on it,” I told her and ended the call. When I rested my head on the back of the chair, Havros leaned forward. “Don’t do it. I’m not in the mood.”

Chuckling, he lifted his drink. “I have no intention of teasing you. All I wanted to say as your brother is it’s good to finally see you smile again. I didn’t think that would ever happen after Leandro’s murder.”

“Yeah, I hadn’t either. I hadn’t cared to. Until I met Valencia. She has rocked my world.”

“Take my advice and it’s the same you’ve heard. Don’t allow her to get away.”