Page 129 of The Enforcer

“Some people I trust.”

I smirked as I threw open the door. “Like you did with Carl?”

“Carl never crossed us before. Years. I don’t know why he did so now.”

“There’s always a reason and it usually has to do with money.” I strode into the warehouse space, already rolling up my sleeves. I’d lost my jacket in the SUV and hadn’t brought my tools with me. I’d even forgone the katana. This would be quick and dirty.

It would also allow me a sense of satisfaction.

Carl was tied to a chair and looking like the most uncomfortable man alive.

He was also sweating given the excessive heat in the building. There were huge fans in the ceiling to keep the manufacturing tools the correct temperature at all times. That would drown out any noise.

I was also uninterested in playing any games. “Carl,” I said as I approached. “You were always reliable. Why did you sell me out?”

If he’d so much as acted smug or smiled, I would have shot him on the spot. He had fear in his eyes. “I didn’t have a choice. They were going to hurt my brother.”

“Your brother. Why?”

“Because he owes them money. I was working off his debt. He’s all the family I got.”

I’d heard the same kind of song and dance before, but in this case, I believed him. “Who are we talking about?”

“The Cosa Nostra.”

Now that was news I hadn’t expected, but it fit into one of the reasons the Don had continued to provide his assistance.

I glanced at Elias and was almost saddened by what I was about to do. “Why not speak to Elias or come to me?”

“They would have killed him. You don’t know what they’re capable of and they use the fucking savage Armenians as their lynch men. You don’t know what they do to their enemies.”

Another interesting piece of information. That would mean the Italians had more weight than they’d been given credit for. “Perhaps not, but you made a serious mistake in who you aligned your loyalties with. Where is your brother now?”

The guy actually sobbed briefly. “They killed him.”

“Do you have other family, Carl?”

“A sister in Georgia. Please don’t hurt her.”

I threw a hard punch then another, knocking him and the chair to the floor. I was angry, so much so I could see bloodin my periphery of vision. “I don’t hurt women under any circumstances.”

“Fuck, boss,” Elias said. He knew when I was close to becoming unhinged. And I was. It wasn’t a good look on me.

Elias righted him, his face as pinched as likely mine was. “I’m sorry to hear about your loss, Carl. I truly am and I do appreciate when a family member is placed on the line, but you made bad choices. One last question. Do you have any knowledge of an attack placed on my family in Greece?”

“No, sir. I promise you that. But… But…”

“Spit it out.”

“You can’t trust everyone.”

He wasn’t kidding about that. “Meaning?”

“Someone close.”

As always, men in his position fascinated me. “Do you know who?”

“No. Swear to God.”